chapter 1

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Once upon a time, a recent time in fact, there was an angel. One not like the other angels that lived in her village. No, in fact, this particular angel, though very adorable and charming in a way, lacked etiquette, manners, composure and things in relation to such.

This angel, Natalya, had different traits than most. She was a very sloppy eater, rude and conniving at times, loud and interruptive, most things you wouldn't see in an angel. She was just an angel who didn't fit in.

Because of this, she spent most of her time alone and out of sight. This wasn't an act of fear or insecurity, but more of an act relating to the fact that she simply couldn't be bothered with people at times.

One day, Natalya decided to travel outside of the village on her own. Which was never allowed for an angel— An angel would never be allowed to travel the outside world without the assistance of a guardian to protect them. But of course, she never cared for the rules. Let alone paid much attention. She may or may not have been ignorant to this rule, but who's to say?

She set out, in her comfortable lonesome, only for the sake of an idle stroll. She'd planned on being back before anyone noticed she was absent.

The environment she was finding herself in from this point on was so different for her, it had such a melodious silence. It was a forest filled with only sounds of chirping birds and other peaceful animals.

This was a peaceful place. no one scolding her for her lack of etiquette and no schedules to do things she hated doing.  this moment was peace. Peace of mind in a peaceful environment.

But said peace didn't last for long as suddenly, a large crow, that was at least 3 times the size of her miniature sized self, sped in her direction, in an attempt to take her captive. Though on impulse, she ducked for cover.

She started to run in any direction she could to get away from the predatorial disturbance but soon felt herself being lifted from the ground. This felt as if it may have been the beginning of the end for her, as it seemed she'd be fated to a conclusive devouring. She closed her eyes and screamed loudly in fear as she felt her body swindle in mid air, whichever direction she was going was unbeknownst to her. She didn't want to know. So she kept her eyes shut.

And it came as a surprise as she felt her bottom hit the grassy, bumpy  surface of the ground beneath her. Roughly, the claws of the bird ripped away from the back of her purple shirt, leaving open scars on her shoulders, which she winced at the feeling.

She shook her head to regain consciousness of the situation at hand, turned around to see that someone was fighting the creature. A rugged shield and a dirty sword in hands. She looked closer to see that this fighter was no guardian angel, but something entirely different that had come to her aid.

She inched a bit closer to the being as he fought the crow. She saw that this being had thick fur, that was a blue and silver blend of aestheticism. His bones were rough and awkwardly positioned, rendering him to a shape that seemed to have the potential to disable anyone in such shape, tho he moved fast and violently, striking at the crow. She also caught sight that this being had a muzzle that clenched dangerous fangs.

The crow flew away in defeat as the unidentified fighter huffed in fatigue. From the distance, Natalya could see his battle wounds. Covering his chest and arms

She impulsively ran over to the stranger "hey! Are you ok!" She shouted sharply as she reached him and pulled out a special first aid kit. The being looked at her in confusion.

"W-What are you doing?!" He said in a rough and startled voice"

"I need to treat your wounds." She said, her voice lowering. "Stand still"
The beast like creature held his breath anxiously but then let out a sigh.

"By the way, I'm Natalya. What's your name?" Said the angel which startled the beast. But she waited patiently for an answer as he went through his fluster. And then he answered

"My name is Viran"

a guardian and an AngelWhere stories live. Discover now