chapter 4

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Sound asleep, were the two. Not even disturbed by the strange calls of the wild. Most of nature's noises were soothing, especially in the night time but this night was unusually rough. Not that either one of the two characters had familiarized themself with the environment enough to notice any significant alterations.

The night bestowed upon them was a windy night. Drafts violently whistling through olden trees that seemed so deceivingly young under the sunlight of the clearest days. Kind and gentle chirps of airborne oddities were blatantly replaced with daunting echoes of monstrously.

All wildlife evacuated the vicinity in an immediately urgent manner as they made way for a creature that was far from ordinary. Pointed black feathers, each the size of a cinder block, claws as sharp as stainless steel. And a devouring mouth piece that was all but a muzzle.

The giant crow locked eyes on to his prey and landed on the ground, sturdily enough to have shaken the entire atmosphere if done without such poise.

The foul creature's gaze, alone practically held it's target by a death grip, as she laid upon the ground, sleeping peacefully and defenselessly. Slowly, he approached her, careful not to wake up the beast beside her that fought to defend her before.

Once in range, the collosal bird caught the collar of the sleeping girl's shirt with his talons, carefully dragging her away from her mysterious protector. As distanced gained between them, the crow slowly lifted the girl off the ground and into the air as she still slept.

The night was still dark and silent. Even if the beast creature were to wake up, he would have little to no chance at finding the girl as she had, by now, already been carried a few miles away, inching closer to her sudden doom.

The animals who remained in the area, caught sight of this, despite the fact that they themselves we're hiding from this massive predator. Worry and sadness washed over the very essence of nature itself as the civil animals of the area witnessed an angel being carried away to an eventual, unpleasant death.

Suddenly, racketing noises pierced through the gloom of the night as the birds called out as loud as they could to try and wake the girl. Before long, the rest of nature followed suit. Frogs croaked desperately. Lambs bleated messily. Even the crickets chirped loudly in an attempt to wake the girl. In response, the vulture that carried her let out a large roar to silence them, not realizing the backlash behind it

Natalya's consciousness came to her slowly as she felt light and woozy. It was rather uncomfortable. As she opened her eyes, she couldn't exactly identify what she was seeing. It was only a veloce blur in her eyes.

The collar of her shirt gripped and pulled tightly against her throat, straining her breath. A few moments of her consciousness went by and in time, she realized she was being carried away.

She screamed.

She tried to wiggle and shake out of the creature's grasp, triggering him to tighten his grip and screech loudly as a warning to her. It sent shivers down her spine but nonetheless, she kept fighting for her life. If she didn't, she would surely die an unbearably painful death. She decided if she would die, she would die, trying her best to survive.

She thrusted her shoulders, obsessively, causing her shirt to tear under the claws of the monster that had her captive. She took a deep breath, knowing how this would end if she wanted to escape.

Natalya held her breath in her cheeks as she loosened her arms and shifted her body weight causing her to slip out of her shirt and out of the birds grasp. As she fell, she opened her wings, though regretfully not enough to safeguard her and she bumped her head on a tree branch, causing herself to painfully bounce off and fall backwards

She descended from the air, screaming as she went down for miles, hoping she wouldn't meet her death at the end of it all. Fear struck her heart and she was half expecting to see her life flash before her eyes but no such thing did happen as she fell.

And then she finally hit the surface

Surprising enough, pain did not shoot through her body. Nor was the surface beneath her back, very hard nor bold. And it was certainly uneven as it only made contact with a small area in her upper back and under her legs as well, like a cradle. She opened her eyes out of curiosity and saw that she was, in fact, being carried by Viran.

"Wh- what hap-" she started to sob a little before she could complete the question.

"It's alright" Viran said soothingly "it won't happen again"

"Where were you! Why didn't you wake up!" Natalya screamed and in response, Viran only shook his head, knowing he had no means to argue with the angel.

"I-i" she continued as she shivered from lack of clothing of the upper body, due to earlier events. but Viran's ear caught a different sound from the distance. A ruffling of leaves.  Swiftly, he sat the frightened girl down in the tall grass and pulled out his ragged blade, once silver but now powdered in soot, almost completely rendering it black

He waited eagerly though patiently for the creature to show itself. And in a matter of seconds, the massive bird burst through the trees, in attack but was greeted rather harshly by the sharp, dangerous steel of Viran's sword, resulting in a partial decapitation of the gruesome creature. And just like that, the bird was dead.

Viran holstered his weapon and slowly walked back over to the place he hid Natalya. Seeing her hold her knees to her chest with a blank look on her face, he crouched down and asked in a kind but almost awkward voice "are you ok?" And in response, she nodded, shakily as no sounds escaped from her mouth other than whimpers of discomfort

"Sun isn't up yet. Let's get some sleep while we still can." He said as he picked her up and embraced her, feeling her body calm down as the chills had been pacified by his thick fur. He then walked over the the grass and to an area where they could sleep, as the previous camping area was lost in the shrouded darkness of the night.

As he gently began to let the angel fall away from his grasp, he noticed her body tense up again, worriedly, and he decided not to let her go for the night, while she would have clearly been uncomfortable and cold. He shifted himself into a sleeping position while holding her firmly and he relaxed as she fell asleep in his arms and before long, he drifted off as well, hoping for a calm tomorrow.

a guardian and an Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن