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After school Kenny came to Stan's house, his mom welcomed Kenny in. Stan was sitting in the back yard and up against a tree.

"So what's up?" Kenny asked Stan as he sat beside him up against a tree. "W-what do you mean?" Stan asked nervously. "Don't play dumb" Kenny wasn't stupid, he knew something was obviously up. "I don't know what you're talking about..." Stan assured him. "Stanley Marsh!" Stan jumped at the stern tone of Kenny's voice. "Do not lie to me...I am the last person you wanna fuck with...do you understand?" Kenny made sure to send some chills down Stan's back. "Yes..." Stan said meekly, "Alright now tell me what the hell has been going on with you." Kenny needed to get to the bottom of this. "Have you.....have you ever really liked someone....like REALLY, really liked someone?" Stan asked with hesitation "yeah...of course." Kenny responded. "...but you...um you...couldn't tell them...but you've a-always loved them and you always wanted to tell them but you...uh...you..." Stan looked liked he was about to cry. "Stan." Stan looked up at Kenny, "It's okay," Stan hugged Kenny with tears in his eyes. "You're okay man..." Kenny said as he kept his hands on Stan's shoulders. "T-thanks Kenny..." Stan wiped his tears and awkwardly smiled, "sooooo....?" Kenny said while nudging Stan with his elbow. "So w-what?" Stan asked. "Who's the lucky lady?" Kenny continued. "Oh. Yeah...that..." Stan had a look of hesitation on his face. "Come on, dude tell me!" Kenny coaxed. "You'll laugh..." Stan told him. "No I won't!" Kenny knew Stan probably thought it was embarrassing. "Yes, yes you will" Stan expressed his worry clearly. "Dude..." Kenny said with a tiny bit of bitterness. "Okay, okay it's...um...it's..." Stan tried his hardest the hide his blush but failed. "Yes...Stan?" Stan hesitated for a moment, "Kyle....Kyle brofloski..." Stan announced. "Oh damn..." Kenny said quietly in surprise, however Stan remained quiet. "Well, dude I'm happy for you..." Kenny said as he stood up. "Wait really?" Stan asked. "Well, yeah man...you're happy why would I judge that?" Kenny said, as he began to walk away, "Kenny..." Stan looked up. "Yeah?" Kenny turned around, Stan got up and said, "You're one of the best friends I've ever had." Kenny smiled, "you too man." and walked off.

What Kind of Question is That? (Style/StanxKyle)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ