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A week before Christmas Amy called.

"John, do you want to spend Christmas day here in New York with mommy then back to California the next day for Christmas all over again?"
"Except, Amy, I have to work."
"You been telling me for months now of how Ethan been doing great. So ask Margaret if Ethan can come too."

That Friday, as Ethan and John flew out to New York, Ben was walking into the shop.
"Morning Ben."
"Morning Ricky, Merry Christmas!"
"Ba Humbug!!"
"What's eating you?"
"Ethan, John and Amy won't be here until after Christmas."
"Oh, that sucks no Amy, so boys weekend, we'll catch up."
"I guess so."

Christmas morning. John skyped at 3am here but 6am in New York.
"Merry Christmas Daddy" really excited
"Merry Christmas John" half asleep.
"Merry Christmas Ricky" Amy and Ethan shouted.
"Check it out daddy, it snowed here" showing me the snow. He had to show me everything he got from Santa too.
"Can daddy talk to mommy? Hi Amy, when you coming in tomorrow?
"Hi, in the morning."

The next day came, My Amy, My John, and Ethan were home again. At the apartment we opened presents. John told me all the amazing thing he go to do like play in some snow. "Daddy look" showing me a picture and laughing "Officer Brooks arrested Ethan and Officer Lopez assisted me driving him to the station."

Ethan was playing with John on the floor with some new toys. I was holding Amy in my arms on the couch. I whispered into her ear, "I was wondering if maybe Brooks would let us borrow those handcuffs?" "No" she said with a smirk and a wink.

"Come on boys, we got to get Ethan home." We all piled into the car and drove to Margaret's house. John ran inside. "Look Grandma" showing her a badge "Officer Brooks make me an honorary policeman. I got to drive the police car with Officer Lopez. And look" showing her a picture "Ethan got arrested for misbehaving." "Great, we send you to New York and you get arrested by a 3-year-old." We all laughed.

Amy and I were on the couch. "Can we take a walk." "of course Ricky." We let Margaret know. We interlocked our fingers and walked out the door. Down the walkway I hopped down the two steps, grabbed Amy by the waist and lifted her over the steps. I brought her down slowly very close to my body, whispering "God I missed you Amy." I looked deep into her eyes and ask "do we have to take this walk?" She just nudged me forward and leaned on my shoulder smiling. We continued walking down the walkway till we hit the sidewalk. Looking both ways "where too my lady?"
"how about the school"
"As you wish my lady" turned left still hand in hand. Half way down the road it started to drizzle, she pulled herself in front of me and ask "Dance with me in the rain?" I pulled her close and kissed her. She pulled herself away spun around and pulled herself back into me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist. We swayed in the rain until it stopped. We finally made it to the school. We cradled one of the benches, she snuggled back into my arms with my arms around her waist.
"What are we doing for New Years?"
"Haven't that about it."
"Why not?"
"It's not the same when you're leaving me the next day. What do want to do?"
"I want to go out. Adrian text me a few days ago asking to hang out."
"Why don't you hang out with Adrian when I'm at work. Then we'll bring in the New Year our own way." She looked up at me and kissed me with passion.

How did I get so lucky catching this amazing women? Why is she so afraid to marry me? Will Ben actually take her away from me?

"Ricky.... RICKY..."nudging me. "Yeah" coming out of thought. "Margret just text me.... asking where are we"
"OK, let's head back" getting up and starting to head back to the house. She slips her hand into mine.
"Where the hell were you just now?"
"You love me right? You're still my girl right? You truly want to marry me right?"
"Yeah... Where is this coming from?"
"Thinking about what Ben was saying."
"When did you talk to Ben?"
"The Friday morning as John and Ethan were leaving for you, he walked into the shop. Somehow ending up in a boy's night at the apartment with a 6 pack of beer, that he drank. All he did was talk about you."
"Me... jerking me to a stop "What about me?"
"That he loves you, he wants you back and he'll do anything to get you back."
"That's never going to happen because my heart belongs to you and John." I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her.

We got back to the house she took two steps up. I grabbed her around the waist and laid my head on her chest. "I worry about you in New York with him so damn close."
"You don't need to worry about me."
"No matter how much he flirts with you?"
"No matter how much he flirts he will NOT get me back."
"Amy, he's obsessed about you, I'm afraid he might actually hurt you."
"He won't. Let's go in"

New Year's Eve, got a call from Adrian. "Thank you, I needed this, to go out with Amy and have some fun."

An hour later Adrian and Amy were getting ready to go out. I went downstairs to go to work. As the girls were walking down the stairs Ben walked in the shop. He looked up the stairs and smiled. "WOW, sexy ladies, you need an escort?" Amy pushed him out of her way, "NOT FROM YOU!" and walked out the door. Seconds later she popped her head back in "be back later Ricky" blowing me a kiss. I blew her one back. Adrian "don't worry I'll bring her back" with a smile as she walked out the door. "MAN, you're letting her go out like that?" "What? I trust her." went back to work. After the shop closed I waited for her on the dark stairs.

Amy walked in the shop door. "WOW, sexy lady, do you need an escort... to my bed?" She walked up to me, pulled me up from the step and kissed me. We walk up the steps and walked into the door. "That dress looks very sexy on you but I think it'll look even sexier on my floor."

"I think you are right Ricky, maybe you can help me get out of it." I unzipped it and pulled the straps off of her shoulders. I watched it drop to the floor. Looking at the dress... Much sexier there. We had a very intense sex as the New Year rolled in. Hours later, she was on her way to New York AGAIN!

We skyped every night. John and I visited her in New York and she visited us in California.

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