Misunderstanding part 2

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A: I knew siya would go early.... I took car keys from kartik.
K: what's the matter?
R: did u guyz have a fight?
A: No actually there is a small misunderstanding...
R: tell us
A: I told them everything...and they were shocked
R: m not gonna leave that bitch
A: don't... first let me clear it with siya and then vll think about priyanka and please u guyz dnt tell her anything...
It's better I'll clear it...if u guyz do so she might feel that u guyz are defending me and misunderstanding would increase.
I told them and quickly went to siya's place...
S: I reached home. I thought of sleeping but couldn't...
My mind was full of thoughts which happened in the morning...
A tear drop from my eyes and then I couldn't hold back...I started crying... I didn't knew when sleep took over me.
A: I reached her place and rang the bell...I did for two three time but siya didn't open the door...
I was worried...but then I remember they always keep an extra key under their door mat..
I quickly got then and went in..
I went to her and I saw my baby girl sleeping peacefully...
When I went near her my heart sank... she was crying...she was crying very badly and I knew she cried so much that sleep took over...
I was very sad...like because of me...she had to suffer so much she was crying...I decided to clear misunderstanding as soonest as possible

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