Act 4: The Purification

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Please play the music for background music (start at 0:15 sec) it's Japanese but it was chosen for the vibe and mood.

She stepped out of the courtroom fully covered yet again, with Louis and Dean stuck themselves to her sides and looked for possible threats with General Fang walking infront of them directing where her chambers shall be.

Her mind wandered to Edeiviel. He confused her but she also understood him. But how can he affect her so much with mere words, as if her training as a Seer was blatantly tossed to the side and she was back to square one; which made her angry and disappointed to herself.

General Fang stopped infront of a heavily crafted oak door with peculiar symbols around the doorway.

"Louis, please have my maidservants prepare for my purification. I'll have no visitors tonight." Meranien spoke so coldly that Dean tasted her emotions reeking out of her.

"Your Grace, do not blame yourself with your incompetency; though I do not find anything incompetent. A ruler shouldn't doubt herself especially when she knows she's alone. However, we are here and we put our trust in you and you have the anointing of the Most High." Dean supplied the tense aura she emitted.

Meranien turned her head to him ever so slightly. "I appreciate your concern and trust, but next time, set aside your hostility to the King especially in his Kingdom. Immature actions may not hurt me here because he knows very well who and what I am, but being threatened because of my subject's actions will not go idly by me."

Louis eyes widen and stepped forward to her, assessing if she has any injuries with her upin knowing she was threatened. "Are you alright, Your Grace? Did he hur—"

"No." Meranien opened and walked inside her chambers leaving no room for conversations with the two angels behind her as she shut the door abruptly in their faces with shock and guilt written over their faces.

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The night approached quickly and Meranien was observing her maidservants as they prepare her ritual Mikveh in a far room in the castle, supposedly it was never really used so the maidservants have to clean it thoroughly. Candles light up the room which made it more homey and relaxing. Oils and fragrances lined up in a tray near the bath that will be used for the cleansing. Filled with warm water, flowers were to be put in the water as it signify different meanings.

The elder maidservant started. "White lilies signify purity. White roses for royalty. Sage for wisdom. Woodruff for humility. Peonies for salvation and Orchids for beauty and strength." She finished with her pouring the flowers into the warm water and stirred the bath in a graceful manner.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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