Ch. 5 Shikata ga nai

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Japan opened his eyes, he looked around, there was a fear rising in his chest. He felt like he was being watched, like the whole world was staring at him just beyond the door. His bed was harder than he had remembered, he looked around, in the darkness of his room he couldn't see anything. For some reason, unknown to him, his eyes refused to adjust to the darkness. He lifted his heavy arm to touch his face.

Something was wrapped around his eyes. No wonder he couldn't see anything. Slowly he peeled away the gauze that had been protecting his eyes from the light. But...why was he in his bed right now anyway? Just a moment ago he had been in Tokyo, sending off a message to America refusing to surrender. As the gauze was lifted away, Japan could clearly see his room being glazed with the soft light of the outside world.

He attempted to stand up, but there was a horrid pain in his left leg. This was all so confusing, what was going on here? As if calling his name, Japan crawled over to the radio. The broadcasters would know what was going on. They would probably mention whatever accident had happened to him. Kiku Honda was a well liked man in Japan, after all, and the people would demand to know if he was well.

What he heard next nearly put him back into a coma.

"People of Japan." It was Emperor Hirohito. Japan had, honestly, only heard him speak outward a couple of times. Never once had he heard his voice on the radio. This was probably the first time that the common people had heard his voice. "

The enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should We continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization. We will have to endure the hardships of surrender and submit ourselves to save not only ourselves, but the world."

Japan stared at the radio, his hands shaking. His whole body shook, he put his hands through his raven-colored hair. His eyebrows furrowed together he forced himself to his feet, ignoring the pain in his leg, and walked painstakingly to his window. Against his own will he let out a cry, so horrid that it caused even the cold Russian guard outside of his room to shiver. Japan turned on his heel and ran out of his room, running just outside of his door.

For a moment he stood, staring at the demolished city before him. The ash from burned down houses stained the ground and rubble littered every street. The whole town was swallowed in a grey depression, Japan's usual resolve was broken in an instant. In an instant he fell to his knee's, lowering his head in sheer disbelief.

*"Shikata ga nai." A Japanese woman said, sifting through the rubble. "Shikata na gai, Kiku."

Japan looked at her, "Hai, shikata na gai."

Japan stood, looking at his broken and devastated land. He turned to go back inside his house, the Russian guard pretending he wasn't watching him. Japan shot him a nasty look before going into his home, slamming the door behind him, and locking it tightly. The Russian guard thought nothing of it. If his country looked this bad, he'd slam the door in someones face too.

The Russian man unzipped his black uniform jacket, revealing a light lavender scarf wrapped loosely around his neck. Tightening his lavender scarf, he resumed his position in front of the doorway. If Japan wanted to shut himself off in his room, that was fine with him.

Everyone would become one with him soon anyways, da?



*Shikata ga nai - Japanese for "Nothing can be done about it."

Hai- Japanese for "Yes."

I couldnt find the actual surrender speech from Hirohito. So i used a statement he had said perviously, after the bombings at Hiroshima, and altered it a little bit. I left out one word in the begining and added the whole surrender part. If you can find the actual surrender speech, then I would be happy to see it.

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