Ch. 10 Wicked

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//A.N: Normally, I wouldn't put an authors note in the begining of a chapter. But I want to warn that there are some...bold parts in this chapter. Like I said in the prologue, there is NO yaoi in this story. But....there is a very bold part. If you think it is too bold for Wattpad, please let me know as soon as possible so that I may change it. //

Japan ran in crying one day, after having snuck out to talk to America by himself. His sobs rang out, echoing across the walls. Russia fidgeted, sitting in a seat outside of Japan's room. No one, save for China, had ever even seen Japan cry. China knocked on the door the second Russia left to use the bathroom.

"G-go away..." Japan snapped, he was still crying. Even an hour later.

"What happened? What did America do?" China demanded. There was a long silence. Long enough for China to fidget and get worried. Finally Japan let him inside, closing the door just before Russia emerged from the bathroom.

"America molested me." Japan admitted, trying to keep from crying.

"What?" China demanded, but calmed himself. "Show me what happened."

"I'm not about to molest my older brother." Japan scoffed.

"Then I'll bring in Russia. You can show me what America did that way, aru." China said, standing to open the door.

"No! Bring in Britain. He won't judge..."

China waved him off. "Of course he will. Iggy thinks that if you hold his hand too long you're molesting him."

Japan sighed, "But Russia will hurt me if I touch him funny..."

"Russia gets molested by his younger sister all the time." China breathed, opening the door. "Anything you do wont affect him."

Russia looked into the cracked door. Japan was sitting on his bed, sad. Poor Kiku. Russia had told him constantly to leave America alone. Japan never listened.

"Come in." China ordered, scaring the living hell out of Russia. That man had such small feet. No matter how hard Russia listened, it was always so difficult to hear China's footsteps. Russia stood and came inside.

"Take off your jacket." China ordered, his eyes fierce. Didn't that man know how to smile? Russia left the thought alone and threw his jacket on the floor. Without his jacket on he felt bare. Like he would freeze to death if he didn't rush to put it back on.

Of course, he wasn't in Russia anymore. It was quite warm in Japan's room and he wasn't due for a good snow for awhile. Still, he felt weird standing there with a black t-shirt on and green pants. It make him feel out of sorts.

"Are we playing freeze out?" Russia asked playfully.

"No. This is a serious matter, Russia. So be quiet. And stand still." China said, jerking his little brother up to stand next to the Russian. "Tell me what happened."

Japan sighed deeply, looking at Russia. "Stand still, please." He said softly, receiving a nod in return. "I came up to America to complain about my flag. He won't let me raise it anywhere..."

There was a silence before Japan continued, placing his palm on the small of Russia's back. "First, he placed his hand on my back, like this. He kept talking about some gibberish. I wasn't paying attention."

Russia laughed, but kept his mouth shut. Japan started rubbing his back softly, it felt nice. "Then he started rubbing my back and telling me that my flag would be able to be raised in 'due time'."

Russia sighed, hating to take the side of the man he hated. "Where is this getting? Why am I here?"

"Japan says that America molested him." China snapped, shutting Russia up. "Then what happened?"

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