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Steven's Mother, Ruby Taylor's Point Of View (P.O.V.)



She not being serious...

She is.

Now, what am I going to do?

I'm Basically cursed to raise my kid with some illness, for his entire life.

And I don't even love him.

I had him, and now I'm just pushed into this situation, like it's a form of punishment, or something.

Maybe I'm being punished for me not loving my kid?

I don't know, but I can't take care of him. I don't want to take care of him.

I always grew up knowing that the weak won't survive, and I,  and my husband was enough, but, this Is Just too much.

I am NOT going to take care of a boy that is weak, not physically.

I will NOT do That.

I wanted kids.

I never even knew that I would have this.

I don't want this.

And I don't want him,

I won't take care of him, I breastfeed him, nor will I bottle feed, and I will never even... Touch the boy.

He's not going anywhere in life, so why should I?

I never even loved the boy, let alone, ever even wanted to be alone, or around him.

I didn't like him.

I won't take care of the weak!!

She balls out my husband, I'm happy, but I won't say a word.

I'm stuck with him.

For the rest of my life, until finally, his lights turn out.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but, really, I think I hate my son...

And for no apparent reason, at all.

I hate him, and I don't know why.

Whatever, he's on his own, now.

Now that she's done, she starts telling us about what to do, and to handle this situation.

And my husband is listening,

I don't plan on doing it.

I don't want to. And I don't care.

He's so patient.

Why is he even paying attention to her in the First place?

She doesn't matter.

She's probably emotionally weak,

Too "Sympathetic" to see our son for what he really is --

A weakling.

Pure. Weak.

Not good enough for the Royal Family, they cain't have no weak King over the Kingdom.

I want to leave, I Cain't do this.

This is just not worth it, I didn't sign up for a weak kid.

I didn't want a weak kid.

Why do I have to go through this?

I hate this...

To Be Continued...

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