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Hi, It's Me.


I'm 3 years old.

My mommy doesn't pay attention to me.

I don't know why.

But, daddy does.

My Cousin says that I can talk really good.

I told my mommy, but. she wouldn't listen.

I don't care.

I love my daddy the best, he's better than mommy.

He's there when I have boo-boos, get sick, and when I'm hungry, he always makes my favorite.

Cookies and milk.

Not a lot, because afterwards, I have to eat my Veggies.

I hate 'em.

My daddy spends more time with me, then my mommy.

I think that he loves me more because my mommy doesn't love me. I know.

If she did, she'd play with me, more.

She'd talk to me.

She would hug me,
And say she loves me.

But, I know she won't.

I don't like being in a castle.

Not for too long.

I never go out,
My daddy won't let me.

All the others can, but, I can't.

It Makes me feel sad.

I want friends and new friends,
Brothers, and sisters.


They won't like me.

Mommy says I'm weak.

And I'm not worth it, and that I'm not worth anything.

It makes me sad.

My daddy says that I can go play, I want to go outside! But, he says no.

We are going to my room, I pick the toys I want to play with from my toy box, he always sits there and watches.

I hope I don't get sick, I know that they're clean, because always... Um... Puts 'em in hot, clean water, and then he keeps 'em in it for a very long time, and then he gives 'em back.

Because, I always seem to get sick, and my daddy always tries his hardest to keep from it.

I don't know why I do, I just do.

But, I always get scared when I do.

Daddy gets mad when I do, and he hits me.

Sometimes, most of the time, he just yells. A lot.

A few hours later. At dinner:

I'm standing outside of the kitchen.

And I'm listening to 'em. Ssssshhh,

Mommy was trying to talk to daddy, but, he wouldn't listen.

He would never listen.

Craig Jacson: "I'm not going to "Screw" you, anymore. Go "Screw" Yourself!!"

Ruby Taylor: "Yeah, you know, sex is good for the marriage!!"

Craig Jacson: "Shut up, and keep your VOICE down, our son is just outside our room!"

Ruby Taylor: "Yeah, well I don't care about our son!! Okay? He is weak."

Craig Jacson: "Our son is NOT weak!!!!! That's something that you just like to yell for all of the world to hear!! Gosh, I hate you!!"

Ruby Taylor: "I want sex!"

Craig Jacson: "And I want our son to have love!! You know, that thing you won't give him?!!"


Daddy's leaving.

And I think he found me.

And he looks sad...

I'm sad.

I'm always sad when she says that.

In her head.

I know that she thinks it.

I know she won't ever love me. At all.

I want to leave and go to my room.

I don't want to be here, anymore.


To Be Continued...

Steven Jacson ©Where stories live. Discover now