Chapter 2

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I watch as Sophie dodges around tourists pulling suitcases behind them as she runs to the lifts. I apologise to them as I pass, trying to catch up with Sophie before she trips or runs into someone, but they smile at me in return letting me know it wasn't a problem. I finally reach Sophie and snatch her up in my arms, tickling her.

"You cheeky monkey!"

I blow a raspberry on her cheek before placing her back down on the floor.

"No running off," I tell her, ruffling her hair.

When we arrive at the lifts I reach out and press the call button, looking down at Sophie while we wait. Part of me is worried that the episode I had earlier with Colton will make her worried about me, and I don't want that to happen. She's already been through too much, having to listen to my screams a week ago. Not only am I affected by that night, she is too. I see it in the way she tries to stick close to me, the way her smile fades every so often, and the way she seeks comfort from the guys when I'm not around.

The lift dinging and Sophie pulling on my shirt has me blinking, moving the thoughts back to the back of my mind, and entering the lift once the people in there exit.

The sound of the music in the lift has Sophie jumping up and down as she flails her arms around, dancing to it. It's not exactly up-tempo but she's making it work, which has a smile tugging at my lips as I watch her. It seems to really lift her whenever we spend time with the guys. Her dancing doesn't last long, however, as she stops along with the lift and music. The doors open and Sophie starts to run down the corridor, and I follow after her. I watch as she goes running past the door to our room. I stop outside the door and watch as Sophie turns back to look for me. I motion with my head to the door.

"You sleeping out here tonight?"

I turn back to the door as I hear the padding of her feet on the floor. Unlocking it and pushing the door open, I let out a gasp when I see what the state of the room is like. I reconsider my comment about sleeping in the corridor. The room was totally ransacked.

I hear Sophie coming closer and I start to think quickly, wondering what to do. I don't know whether I want her to see this. My mind goes over every possible outcome or excuse, before finally settling on seeing what Sophie thinks of the room. I might be lucky, and she'll gloss over the mess.

She isn't aware of what is going on with Tanner, so it shouldn't freak her out as much as it did for me. That's where my mind went to. It's the only possible reason for the state of the room. I'm pretty sure that the hotel staff had nothing to do with it, as after a lot of objections from me, and insisting that a cheap motel would do, I finally allowed them to put me up in a nice hotel. They wanted me to stay in the most expensive hotel, but I didn't want them to spend that much money on me as we're only friends. They finally agreed on the middle ground; however I think that they stretched it slightly. I've never been somewhere so nice, where the people are the same. They don't seem like the stealing type, and they wouldn't leave it in such a mess. Anyway, I don't have anything worth stealing. My phone which broke when Tanner shot Levi was replaced by a fully set up new phone which miraculously found its way into the bag that the guys gave me full of my clothes, but that was about it. I have no valuables.

Sophie walks past me, and into the room, stopping only momentarily to look around the room once, before pulling herself up onto the bed. I walk in, pushing the door closed behind me, a chill running down my spine as I look around the room.

I ponder for a moment whether I should go down to reception and tell them what has happened, but they and the police won't be able to do anything more than I can. Check that nothing is stolen, and check for any cameras Tanner might have placed.

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