«1» ❝Not today, Mary, No!❞

143 24 16


Ethan = bold

Rowan = normal


❝Hello, this is Blue Skies helpline, here to assist you during emotional stress. How can I help you?❞

Yeah. . .hi, I finished my free trial of adulthood and am no longer interested. Therefore, I wanna cancel my subscription. Is there a manager I can speak to?

❝. . .I'm sorry, what?❞

D'you want me to repeat myself?

❝No sir, that will not be necessary. I heard you loud and clear the first time.❞

. . .

❝. . .❞

So? Where's my manager?

❝Is this a prank?❞

What the fuck? You think I'm fooling around? This is a matter of life and death! I want my childhood back! ...Please.

❝I'm afraid sir, that we are not divine beings and hence, can't help you during this tough. . . situation.❞

What?! And you call yourself a bloody helpline! Well, fuck you all then, cause you aren't much of a help!

❝Language please, sir.❞

Not today, Mary, no!


You sound like a Mary. What? Are you not named Mary?

❝Most certainly not!❞

What's your name then?

❝Sorry sir, but private information is something we do not supply.❞


❝If you do not require my assistance anymore, then I shall end this call. I also have a feeling you're tipsy.❞

So freaking formal. Can't believe this is actually a helpline. You're not very helpful, y'know?. . . how ironic

❝Complaints or suggestions can be reported to our site online—❞

»Call Ends«

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