«4»❝Boys don't cry.❞

71 19 5

❝Hello, this is Blue Skies helpline, here to assist you during emotional stress. How can I help you?❞

Hey, erm, so this is the guy from before.

❝Hello The Guy From Before.❞

That's not my name.

❝Then what is your good name, sir?❞


❝Ah, Ethan. How can I assist you?❞

Don't go all formal adult on me, I know you're not that old.

❝You do?❞


❝And you think only old people can speak formally and maturely?❞

. . .Well I didn't say that, now did I?

❝What do you want Ethan?❞

Help. This is a helpline, isn't it? I want help.

❝Um, what sort of help? Are you alright?❞


❝What is that supposed to mean?❞

I am not alright. Something's happened, which has pretty much shattered my soul. It was so unexpected and frightening that—that I may have shed a few tears. Which, by the way, is totally unlike me. I don't cry. Boys don't cry.

»Call Ended«

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