«5» ❝Oh my God, you're Mr. Bean!❞

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Sorry, my battery died out yesterday.

❝Are you okay, Ethan?❞

Now that I'm talking to Robotic Mary, of course I'm okay!

❝I can sense sarcasm expertly, you know?❞

. . . You're good at sensing stuff! Expect to be called Sensei from now on!

❝Damn it. I was growing to like Robotic Mary.❞

So. . .what's your actual name? And don't say pRivaTE ImForMAtIOn iS SOmEthInG wE do nOT suPPlY, cause I think we're past that now.

❝But I don't think we are though. You still haven't finished what you were saying yesterday.❞

If I tell you, will you tell me your name?

❝It's a deal.❞

So, tell me.

❝Ugh fine. It's . . .Rowan. There. I did it. Oh no, now I'm gonna get killed by an axe murderer named Ethan.❞

Not so easily. But. . .Rowan Atkinson? Oh my God, you're Mr. Bean!

❝Well I mean, I can't really deny that. . .❞

I'm shooketh.

❝Ooh, Shakespeare. Don't tell me you're one of those people who say stuff like, "I'm shook" and play with fidget spinners 25/8.❞

I mean, I can't really deny that. . .

❝I'm hanging up!❞

What?! Noooooo. Robotic Mary! You can't do this to me!


«Call Ended»

Damn it.

I did try playing with fidget spinners by the way. They don't work. Nothing does.

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