The New Alpha

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I brushed my long blonde hair once more, making sure that none of the curls were knotted since they seemed to get all tied up every 5 seconds, I looked into my own blue eyes in the mirror. Today was the big day, I had been waiting for this moment for so long and had waited through so many lectures of how an Alpha was supposed to act at all times, tough, respectful and confident. I wasn't known for being like my father because I had my mother's kindness and managed to rarely ever sound more aggressive then a pup.

"Belle! Come on!" My father called from downstairs

"Coming" I replied before rushing out the door and nearly running downstairs

"Being late for your own ceremony doesn't give the pack a good impression" My dad said with blank look but I saw the pride glow in his eyes at me.

"Oh Erebus, give the girl a break darling" my mother walked through the front door with a small smirk, giving him a playful look. She was the sweetest person you would ever meet but you would never know she had been through hell since her old pack Alpha would beat her constantly, but that was something we rarely talked about. My father didn't reply, instead he looked back at me and smiled slightly before walking over to his mate and taking her hand before starting to walk out the door before calling behind him

"Be out here in 5 minutes!" he warned

I chuckled slightly then walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains to the front lawn crowded with pack members, chatting with one another or starting to wander over to the small platform we had set up for the ceremony. Every pack member had treated me just like I was Layla's and Erebus's blood, but really I had different parents who had died in some sort of accident which I didn't really know of. I did know that one of them had been a Beta and the other was a lead warrior, but that was the only information I had gotten of my blood parents though I saw my mother and father as my real parents since they had raised me with the most love anyone could ask for.

I sighed lowly and walked towards the front door, my parents had left the door open and I walked out onto the porch to look out into the crowd. Nearly everyone had taken their seats at the front of the platform, it almost looked like a wedding ceremony set up but no flowers or fancy decor. Everyone looked up at me as I neared the walkway, they all gave me warm smiles and I smiled back politely, my parents stood on the platform watching me as I walked up the small staircase to stand in front of them. My future Beta, Jasper, sat at the front and winked at me once I looked over at him, Jasper had been my best friend since I was little but he was also very dedicated to the pack and that's what would make him a good Alpha if anything were to ever happen to me. My father looked at me for a moment before speaking loudly, making sure everyone could hear him clearly,

"Belle, You have shown that you hold all the traits a true Alpha needs in order to lead a pack successfully... I have faith that you will lead this pack with the up most courage and will take any needs necessary to protect your pack members" He paused for a moment to take a small book from a stand beside him.

"Do you, Promise to protect this pack with your life and do whatever possible to keep your pack members safe. Will you always remain loyal to these members until death, remember to make sure every member is well taken care and to be there for any of them in their time of need?" he asked, raising his eyes up from the paper and on to mine. I lifted my chin up slightly, making sure to look as confident in myself as possible when I replied

"I do" My voice came out loudly and seemed to echo across the crowd

"Then I here by announce you, Belle Blazer, The New Alpha of this pack" he took a small step back and the crowd erupted in cheers and loud whistles. I turned towards them and smiled widely, my heart felt like it was going to burst with the happiness I was feeling but the ceremony wasn't over just yet... We had to announce the new Beta as well. A few moments later the members cheers died down and my father continued on

"Who will you choose to be the new Beta of this pack?" he asked, already knowing the answer

"I choose Jasper to be my new Beta" I said looking over my shoulder to my best friend

He smiled and stood up from his seat before walking up the stairs to us, he nodded to my parents before moving over to stand beside me.

"Jasper, do you accept being the New Beta for this pack and staying loyal to all of its members?" My father asked looking over at Jasper with a serious expression

"I do" he replied, his voice wasn't nearly as intimidating as my dads but at least he tried... Even if he failed.

"Then I announce you, Jasper Harold, The New Beta of this pack. Congratulations you two" he said before looking me in the eye and smiling. I smiled widely at him before grabbing Jasper's hand and throwing both of our hands up into the air, looking out to the crowd that was cheering loudly for us. After awhile of listening to the yells of excitement we both walked down the staircase through the crowd, shaking members hands who congratulated us and smiling bigger then either of us ever had before. After awhile of chatting and what not the whole pack headed into the pack house gradually, there was a huge array of foods covering the countertops and it smelled delicious. I waited patiently for my members to get their food before I dove in myself, suddenly a hand grasped my wrist and I spun around to see one of my other close friends Tessa.

"Oh hey Tessa, you scared me" I chuckled slightly, Tessa was short but she packed a punch for sure and was one of the spunkiest members in the pack, she brushed her dark brown hair out of her face slightly to look at me.
"Heh, Sorry Belles but you know everyone is wondering when you'll meet your mate" she wiggled her eyebrows slightly at me
"Well I can't predict the future, who knows when I will find them" I replied with a shrug
"You mean him?" She asked
"Yeah I meant... Him" I replied trying to keep eye contact with her
"Well alright, looks like you have some other people who want to talk to ya, catch you later Belles" she said in a sassy tone waving casually at me before waking away. I turned around once again to be hugged immediately and by the smell that wafted over me instantly I knew it was my mother, only she had that sweet smell of honey and roses. I hugged her back and we stood there for a few moments before she finally pulled back with her hands still on my arms,

"I'm so proud of you Belle" she said sweetly, running a hand over my cheek with a smile.
"Thank you mom" I replied slightly leaning into her touch, my dad walked up beside her and nodded at me approvingly. I smiled at him and gave a slight nod back before my mother spoke again
"We are going to head out early honey, Erebus and I still have things to put in our new house," I had nearly forgotten they had moved out of the pack house to move into a new one that had been built for them, but luckily it wasn't very far off at all it was even walking distance from here.

"Alright, I'll see you both later then" I said before watching them walk off back towards the front door then turning back to the buffet, hearing my stomach growl slightly since I hadn't eaten since this morning. I grabbed small amounts of every food that looked tasty, which was nearly all of them and sat down at the countertop, looking at all of my members chatting with each other and laughing together. As I ate I thought about Tessa's and I's conversation... I had said them instead of him, I honestly had no clue what gender I was really attracted to I never put much thought into it before. Although it was unheard of an Alpha being a lesbian or gay but not among other pack members, in fact we had a gay couple in our pack right now their names were Caleb and Tobias they had realized they were each others mates only a few months ago. I highly doubted I would be the first Alpha with a same sex mate anyway, when I did meet my mate they would be male... I think.


The night went on as planned, some pack members did decide to drink but no one got out of control luckily. Everyone had headed out except for a few stragglers and Jasper who offered to help me clean up some, we cleaned the kitchen together and luckily we had used paper plates and cups so there weren't any dishes to wash. Once we were finally finished nobody was in the house but us, I turned to my beta who looked just as tired as me and patted his shoulder

"I'm headed to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow" my voice came out slightly slurred since I was so tired from the long day.
"Alright, I'll see you then Alpha" he said with a smile before walking out the front door
I yawned before heading upstairs to my parents old room, I had redesigned it drastically with new furniture and what not. I decided to just take a shower in the morning and changed into a baggy T shirt before climbing onto the large bed and falling asleep in a matter of seconds.


Yay! I'm so excited for this book and hope that everyone who loved Erebus loves Belle just as much so please enjoy!

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