Chapter 4: You Guys Can Come Back

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Valkyrie took away the meals of the skating party and asked if they'd like anything for desert.

"We do have a guilt free desert," she added, "which is Scottish strawberries marinated in a balsamic vinegar suace with basil and no fat Greek yoghurt."

The eyebrows of the eldest skater went up.

"How many calories is that?"

"One hundred and seventy six point six. I know because I've asked myself. Believe me, when you're trying to watch what you're eating and you can have whatever you want free everyday it's so hard."

The table laughed. Jana looked at the desert menu and bit her lip.

" many calories are in the brownie and the cheesecake?"

Valkyrie's face fell. "Oh, God. I'm not going to find out for you, but I'll get another one of the waitresses to do it."

There was more laughter and Valkyrie went to fetch Natalie. She sat back down with the others who were now halfway through their meal. Dexter's phone lay face up on the table, switched off. Valkyrie took a spare piece of cutlery and started nibbling at Saracen's plaice.

"You researched the AT?" She asked. Dexter didn't look up from his meal.


"Scared yourself silly?"


"Still planning on going?"


She nodded. "I thought that might change your mind."

"I noticed you haven't got a Christmas tree up at the moment." Skulduggery said. Shr shrugged.

"I can't really afford small luxuries. I've already blown my budget on your"

They stared at her. "Val." Saracen said sternly.  "You don't have to buy us anything. You need to focus on you for the time being."

"I don't need to buy you anything? Of course I do. Don't be daft. It's not like I went massively over. Only a little. Isn't this what Christmas is about?"

That shut them up.

They finishes their meals and Valkyrie took the plates away and went back to clear away the puddings. She saw that Jana and the dark haired girl had both ordered the cheescake.

"The brownie was seven hundred calories." the eldest one said. Valkyrie's face fell.

"No! Oh no...though I have to say that probably won't stop me from eating it on a regular basis. Can I get you any coffees?"

"Can I have another glass of wine please?" the coach asked. Valkyrie could see she was completely plastered, but that wasn't her decision; besides, she was in a good mood.

"Certainly." she smiled, writing it down. Whatever conversation they were having resumed. When she came back with the wine, the eldest skater and the coach were singing. Jana and thr other two were in fits of laughter.

"The sad thing is," the mother said, "Lisa here hasn't had a drop of alcohol."

"It doesn't matter how hard I try," Lisa said loudly,  "I just can't sing."

"Everyone can sing." Valkyrie said. Lisa tilted her head.

"Can you sing?"

"Erm...I guess?"

"Cool! Will you sing something for us?"

Valkyrie laughed wholeheartedly. "Absolutely not."

"Oh go on, sing something. Sing...I dreamed a dream in time gone by. "

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