Chapter 16 - Pools, Dreams, and Phones

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Ivy's POV - 

"Well i'm sorry to say that your parents have escaped jail for the second time and we are not able to locate them" My heart dropped as the lady said they couldn't find them. I had no words. My parents where probably coming to kill me, after what I had done to my mother.

"Thank you for informing me and have a nice night" I say and hang up. "What's wrong" Ash questions "My parents escaped and they can't find them" I say with a blank stare "Ash what if they are coming to kill me?" I say as I start to panic. 

"Babe they aren't going to find you and if they do I will do everything in my power to protect you" Ash says as he crawls up so that our faces are now centimeters away. I lean in and peck him on the lips. "Thank you my Outlaw" I say making him smile at me "I'll do anything for my evil little queen" he says with a smirk.

We talk for a little while longer before we both fall asleep. Unfortunately I fall into a nightmare that I similar to the last one.

~ Dream world ~

"No Ash don't you remember me! Ivy!" I whispered and cried at the same time as he died in my arms. I watched as he bled out onto the cracked desert floor. I turned around to see Andy killing off the 'Shadow's' that killed his friend. 

After Andy finished the 'Shadow' he took off his jacket and shirt, as I sat there confused of what he was doing. Andy turned away from me and a pair of giant black wings emerged from his back. I sat there amazed as Andy jumped off the ground and flew up into the sky.

"WAIT!" I screamed but he didn't even turn around. Andy disappeared into the sky. I looked back down at Ash's lifeless body and cried.

~ End of Nightmare ~ 

I shoot up in my spot "Babe what happened?" Ash groaned as he still held onto my waist. "Oh it was just another nightmare" I say and fall back on the bed.

I cuddle into Ash's side and quickly fall back into a dreamless sleep.

- The Next Morning - 

I wake up to CC screaming bloody murder. I look next to me and Ash is gone as well. Oh no. 

I slowly walk down the stairs to see Ash and CC rolling around on the floor playing tug of war with Ash's phone "I said give it back!" Ash yelled "I said I wanted to see it!" CC yelled back at him. 

I quietly laugh to myself as they both turn around and look at me. As Ash was distracted by me, CC took his chance and snagged the phone and ran off with it. "CC!" Ash yelled and chased after him. 

CC just so happened to run past the stairs I was standing on and he was holding the phone in the air. So I stood on the stairs as CC ran by took Ash's phone back. But I put it in my bra so neither of them could get it. They both pouted at me as I laughed.

After a while everyone else can out of their rooms and had breakfast.

I walked up the stairs and into mine and Ash's room. I was planing on going and laying out by the pool side. 

I change into my black bikini and take a towel down with me. 

I walk through the kitchen and to the back door "Where do you think your going hot stuff?" I here Ash's voice say. By now everyone was back in their rooms, probably sleeping or something.

I turn around and give him the 'How in the hell did you get there' look. "To the pool, or am I breaking the law?" I question "Yes but i'll let it slide" he says as I roll my eyes and walk out side. The air was so clean and fresh compared to Los Angeles.

I set my towel down by my chair and layed down.

Soon enough I hear the door open and I look over to see Ash in his swim trunks. "Ahh Outlaw has come out to play" I state as he starts to walk toward me. "Well you see you broke the law so I say you need to be punished" he says with a smirk as he picks me up bridal style. Ash starts to head for the pool "Ashley Abrocket Purdy! Whatever your thinking of doing don't do it!" I warn. 

Ash stands at the side of the pool holding me over the water as I cling to his arms. "Sorry my little queen, but this has to be done" he says as he tosses me into the water.

Right before I hit the water I grab Ash's hand and yanked him in with me. We came back up to the surface of the water "I told you not to do that" I said with a giggle.

Also i'm kinda short compared to him and we were standing in the middle of the pool, so I had to bounce up and down so I could breathe. As he was just standing there perfectly fine. Ash chuckles at my bouncing and picks me up. 

I wrap my legs tightly around his waist while he put his hands under my thighs so I didn't fall. I lean in a peck him on the lips. "I Love you Outlaw" I say as I push his wet bangs out of his eyes. "I love you more" he says with a smirk then quickly drops me again.

"Outlaw!" I yell as he stands there and laughs his ass off. I swim over to the side of the pool and pull myself up on the ledge and sit. Ash walks over and stands between my legs, still chuckling "Not funny" I state "Oh it was real funny" he says as he lays his head on my chest. 

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