How can a dead girl die?

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Sirens blared one autumn afternoon. Orange and golden leaves rustled in the wind, only to then be blown away to freedom.

"You've got to come down from there. It's dangerous!" Two police men were trying to persuade a very stubborn teenage girl, to climb down from where she was standing. They were convinced she was about to commit suicide, because she was standing high up on a railing of a bridge, only a few centimetres away from falling.

The blue haired teen took her time explaining what she was doing up there. The police were very shocked to here that in fact this girl wasn't trying to die, but was actually getting maximum fresh air. "You see i don't get out much, social anxieties and all that stuff stop me. So i tend to stand here and take in the view and get some fresh air" the blue haired girl explained.

The police decided that they could trust what this girl was telling them, but they were still concerned for her safety. After discussing what they were going to do, they turned back to the girl, who was staring of into the distance. Before one of the police men could open his mouth the teen shouted "YEET!!! You people believe anything your told" She then took one step back. "Bye Bye FUCKERS!!" The girl screeches before dramatically throwing herself of the edge.

The police men franticly scrambled up the railings, almost falling over the edge themselves. One peered over the edge and their gaze meet the pitch black void below; no girl to be seen.

"The look on your faces are priceless" a voice from below called. The two police looked at the bridge and gasped simultaneously.

On the bridge below them stood a perfectly unharmed, blue haired teenager.

"If your asking how, its simple. How can a dead girl die? Answer.." the girl smirked.

"She can't"

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