Its not my fault!!

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The wind whistled past the very same bridge that was crowded by two police cars a few days ago. On the bridge sat a teenager. A girl with median length blue hair. It reminded her of the ocean, deep dark blue at the roots gradually getting lighter, until it reached a sky blue at the very tips.

It was when a boy's gaze fell on her that made her look up, and make eye contact with the stranger. Immediately, she looked up at the  bridge railing, and then back to the boy, smirking. The boy watches in shear horror as the blue haired girl began to quickly climb the railing. He ran over just as she reached the top and hoisted himself up after her. "Wait! Don't do that!" The boy cried out. Deep black eyes looked in his green ones and the girl jumped, just as he reached out to stop her.

It was about 10 minutes later that the police showed up at the scene. Blaring sirens merged with a boys screams of protest. "Its not my fault!" was the last thing that was said, before the innocent boy was forced into handcuffs and pushed into the police van. This was not what was meant to happen the girl thought, as she watched the scene before her.

Four hours and three interrogations later that boy was on the verge of tears. They didn't seem to believe him, because the person who called the police, had said that the boy pushed the girl of the bridge. One police woman was very kind and tried to reason with the others. At Least one person had faith in this poor boy.

They were two busy shouting at each other that the didn't notice a certain blue haired chick, standing in the corner of the room. "He didn't push me" The sound of her voice made all four police and the boy turn to face her. Two of the police, plus the boys, eyes widen in shock. "That's the same girl from Tuesday!" On police man stuttered as his shaking hand pointed at the teen.

"Well yeah! Like I said," they all waited for her to speak again,

"A dead girl can't die"

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