Chapter 1

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Science. My favorite subject of the day. The one class period where I have all of my friends  in one place with me. Hi, my name is Bryanna. Everybody calls me Bry. Now let me get this straight... IT IS PRONOUNCED "BREE"! Everybody pronounces it wrong. Ok back to the point. Me and my friends love science! Today we are doing a science project. We won't know what we are doing till we are in the classroom. Our teacher, Ms. Eclair, told us that we can pick our groups, but she is picking our projects for us so that there aren't any of the same projects.
" Hey Bry!"
" Oh hey Lilly! Ready to find out what our project is?"
"You know...let's hide from Jack and scare the crap out of him." (Bry gave a little evil smirk)
"Ya let's do that!"

*Bry and Lilly go and hide right behind the door of the science lab*
-2 minutes later-

* Bry and Lilly fall onto the floor dying of laughter*
*Jack joins the laughter*
Bry:"That was fricken funny Jack!"
Jack:" NO IT WASN'T YOU SCARED ME! (still laughing)
Lilly:" It really was. I'm gonna go to our table and be on the lookout for Mark and Nate!"
Bry: "Ok Lilly!"

*Bell rings*

Jack: "Where's Mark and Nate? They should have been here by now!"

* Mark and Nate quickly sneak into class and go to their seats*

Bry: "There you are!"
Mark: "SHHHHHH! You're gonna make us get caught!"
Bry: "Ok ok fine jeez."
Nate: " So what are we doing for our project?"
Lilly: " Not sure. You guys got here just in time for her to tell us."
Mark: " That's cool! At least we got here in time for her to explain our project to us."
Nate: " Ya."

*Ms. Eclair starts listing off the team names and their projects*

Ms. Eclair: "Bryanna, your group will be doing the " How to make Rock Candy project."
Whole group: "YES!"

At that moment, something exploded in the room. It was something in the chemical cabinet.

The cabinet was right next to us...we were all knocked unconscious.

I awoke. Everything around me was blurry... but I could still hear and feel my surroundings to know where I was at. Birds...grass...pinecones... leaves. I'm outside...laying on the grass on the side of our school. My vision returns and I can see two paramedics sitting next to me; both are guys. I staggered to my feet and looked at the paramedics. They looked stunned.
Bry: " What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
I have this huge gash in my's still bleeding, and it hurts to walk. I looked over and I see Jack on laying there on the grass; still unconscious. I immediately run to his aid.


* Jack starts to move*
" Oh thank god you're not dead."
*Jack laughs, but it's a painful laugh*

Jack's vision was the same as mine when I woke up, when he got it back, he also looked stunned.

" Why do people keep looking at me like that!?"

At that moment, I shot into the air and hit my back really hard on a tree branch. Everybody was around us and they gasped as I fell. I hit the ground screaming in pain.

"BRY!" Jack yelled as he tries to get up. But he can't... he is stuck to the ground.

~I have wings?~ I thought. ~How could this have happened?~

The paramedics rush towards me and Jack. One helps me to my feet, and then we help the other paramedic lift Jack off the ground...he had wings too! All of a sudden, a huge beam of light shot into the air from the other side of the school. Me and Jack ran over to see what was up.

We finally made in to the other side of the school and we saw Mark and Nate standing there in shock. We ran to them and my wings made me fly backwards and hit the side of the school. Mark, Nate, and Jack run towards me, but they run right into a force field.

Nate: " Bry are you ok?"
Bry: " Ya...I'm fine. We just need to restrain from any harsh movements, like running. This forcefield is probably mine and I probably accidentally put it up when I hit the wall. It will go down when walk outside of it."
Jack: "You sure you're ok?"
Bry: " Yes. See, the forcefield went down. That means it was mine."
Nate: " Whoa. That means we have powers too! Mark, you can't say we don't. You just shot a huge beam of light..."
Bry: "Wait a minute! Where's lilly?"
Nate: "Oh no! She must still be inside!"

I closed my eyes and thought of lilly. Then, while my eyes were still closed, I could see her...where she was.

Mark: " But the school is on fire!"
Bry: "Ya! That's why we need to get her out NOW! Who's coming with me?"
*Their is a complete silence between the guys*
Bry: "Fine. I'm going by myself."

I didn't listen to what I said...about the running. I got in the lab, the whole thing engulfed in flames. I spotted her pinned under the our table that we were sitting at. I ran over to her.
Bry: "Jeez this table is heavy!"
I picked her up and carried her outside to the paramedics. They took her and I fell to my knees. My head was in excruciating pain. My lungs hurt, making it hard to breathe. Mark, Nate, and Jack came up to me. Jack wrapped his arms around me as tears started falling down my face. Then I fell asleep......

Narrator: Jack picked Bry up and got into an ambulance with her and some other paramedics. Mark and Nate got into a second ambulance with lilly. They all arrived at the same hospital at 9:45 A.M.

Note from the author
Hey guys. I hoped you liked the first chapter. Sorry if there are any grammar issues or type-o's. This is my first story I've ever done. Hope you all like it!

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