Chapter 2

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I woke up to doctors all around me. It also appeared that Major, the R.O.T.C. lead teacher, was there in the room with me as well. He was sitting in the chair at the corner of the room...sleeping. Jack was sitting next to me...holding my hand...sleeping as well.

Bry: (in a faint whisper)"Jack? Wake up."
Jack:" mmm.... Hey how you feeling?"
Bry: "I'm fine babe. I'm just tired. My head is still pounding and my stomach feels queasy."
*Major awakes from nap and walks out of the room and starts talking on the phone*
Bry: "Has he been here the whole time Jack?"
Jack: " Ya. He drove here once he found out that his best R.O.T.C. cadets were involved in the accident and that they were going to the hospital."
Doctor: "Are you sure you're feeling ok? I have a bit of news...bad news."
Bry: "What is it? You can tell me anything Doc."
Doctor: "Bad news, we need to cut off your wings. The times your wings made you fly, it broke some areas of your wings. The surgery may take longer than expected or it could be a quick surgery. We don't know what your wings will do during the surgery. But we need to numb your wings now since they are a 'big organ'. I don't know what to classify them as."
Bry: "NO! YOU ARE NOT CUTTING OFF MY WINGS.......*takes breath* you know who I am now? I can be a super hero and stop crime and help our community. If you take my wings, I can't do that. And I can read your mind now that I have powers and I can read that there is someone stalking you and your family. I can stop them; keep your family safe for you. But I can't do it without my wings."
Jack: "Ya. We can keep you safe now. But don't do this to her. Please..."
*Major walks in and interrupts*
Major: "Ya. I'm gonna need her and the rest of my cadets just the way they are now. They are now working for the government. As a matter of fact they are as high ranking as the president. Doctor, can you please step out for a minute. I will call you in once we are done."
Doctor: "Why, yes sir. Go ahead. If you need anything Ms. Bryanna, press the teal button on your remote. Ok?"
Bry: "Ok doctor. I will! So what do you want to talk about Major?"
Major: "Well to start off, I must call you ma'am..."
Bry: *I cut him off* "Sir, sorry to disrespect you, but you don't have to call me that. Jack, go check out where Nate is, tell him I'm awake and tell him to go get a lot of candy from the vending machine. Then go check on Mark and Lilly and see how they're doing. K?"
Jack: "Alright babe. Call me if you need me." *Kisses forehead*
Bry: "Alright Jack. Sorry where were we?"
Major: "The president has ordered me to call you ma'am."
Bry: "I will talk to him about you calling ALL of us by our nicknames, so that it's easier for when you talk into our ear peices."
Major: "Well that's all I needed to tell you. Just get some rest. I will see you back at school in 2 weeks on Monday. You need time to rest and get used to your powers. And please learn how to fly, ok?"
Bry: "Yes sir. I will. Can you go tell that to the others as well..."
Major: *interrupts* "What is the name of your group?"
Bry: "ummmm....OHH how about 'Cloud 9'? How does that sound?"
Major: "That sounds good ma'am. I will tell the president that as soon as I can contact him. See you in 2 weeks on Monday."
*Presses teal button the doctor told me to press*
Doctor: "Yes miss?"
Bry: "I need to talk to you about what i saw when I read your mind. I AM going to pro..."
Major: *bursts into the door again* "Oh just to let you know, the president was watching you guys from the camera on the helicopter, he says that he is making YOU the leader of cloud 9!"
Bry: "REALLY! That's awesome! Well thanks for letting me know Major."
Major: "You're welcome ma'am." *Walks out of the room*
Bry: "Ok so back to what I was saying. I AM going to protect you and your family. Keep in touch with me and if anything goes wrong, just call me. Update me everyday. I promise it will be over soon."
Doctor: *in tears now* "Thank you! Me and my husband have been going through this for three months now. They threatened me and my husband and threated to kidnap my children. Can you really stop them?"
Bry: "Yes, I am pretty sure I can. Now here's thirty bucks, go get yourself a meal somewhere; you need a break from work......go ahead, take it."
Doctor: "Really? Thank you so much!"
Bry: "Oh and welcome to the team!"
Doctor: "What?"
Bry: "Well I do need the best doctor there is to heal us when we get hurt, which will be all the time... probably. I'll even pay you for it."
Doctor: "Ok, thanks! Oh we need to schedule a surgery to fix the broken bones as soon as possible. I will schedule it for 3:45 early tomorrow morning. Alright?"
Bry: "As long as they are fixed, I'm good with whatever you do."
Doctor: "Alrighty then. I'll be going. I need to go check on your friend."
*Doctor walks out of room*

I pull out my phone and begin to call my best friend Peiji.


Peiji: "Hey Burger. I was so worried about you. Are you ok?"
Bry: "Ya I'm fine... but I need to tell you something."

To be continued

•~• FYI: My nickname my BFF calls me is "burger"•~•

Hey, author here. I hope you guys are enjoying the chapters. I am excited to share my imagination with you all. This story is based off of one of my dreams. I am adding a few things to it to make it more interesting though. Mark, Jack, Lilly, and Bry were all in my dream. The incident happened in my dream as well. Well, I hope you like it and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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