Chapter Two

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Isabella woke with the sun gleaming down on her, she got out of bed and with a stretch of her arms and a quiet little yawn escaped her lips, she stood up and crept into the bathroom to wash herself.

Once she had finished she picked out her dress which was a long skin tone dress, her father bought her it as he said it reminded him of his precious little girl. With a sigh she got dressed and left her hair down with one simple little braid connecting from both sides going down.
With a small spring in her step she could tell it was going to be a good day as she walked into the dining room to great her mother "morning mother,sleep well?" She asked as she kissed her mother's cheek "yes darling I did, would you like some tea" Isabella shook her head softly "no mother, I'm just going to take an apple and go to the bookstore down the road" she replied "okay darling, look after yourself, I will be going shopping later if I'm not here when your back" Isabella just nodded her head and walked out the door.

There wasn't many people out as it was still early in the morning but the people she did see, she greeted and smiled softy to them, two little boys come running past her chasing each other as Isabella giggled to herself remembering the times she had when she was a child.
Getting closer to the bookstore Isabella walked past a pub which she noted was called the Garrison, her father would of loved it here. As Isabella opened the bookstore door she was greeted by a little old woman "Good morning, welcome to Mr. Branson's Book store" the lady greeted politely, Isabella smiled "hello, I'm Isabella" she replied "ah you must be the new girl around here" surprised the woman knew who she was "it's all the talk around here that doesn't involve anything bad" confused as what the lady meant "does a lot of bad things happen here" she asked but the lady just shook her head and turned around "be careful out there miss Isabella, your beauty may be the death of you" Isabella wasn't sure what to make of that as she turned around looking through the books, humming softly to herself she was unaware of the man across the street looking in the window.
"John, what are you staring at?" Asked his brother Arthur "look in that window of the book shop, do you recognise her" John asked "no John boy but we need to go, Tommy doesn't like waiting on us" Arthur replied, with one last glance John climbed into the car and drove off, thinking of the woman with the long brown hair with pure beauty like he has never seen before.
Isabella picked a few books she liked and checked out saying goodbye to the lady, whose name she hasn't yet discovered. As she walked down the cold muddy streets, she could smells the most delicious smell possible, a bakery deciding to stop by and grab a fresh loaf and a small cake for her mother.

As she paid the baker she took her items carefully and walked off home, as she got to her door she noticed it was looked "oh, she must have already left" she whispered softly to her self as she unlocked the door.
Placing the items down Isabella reached for one of her books she brought home and sat down on the couch. As time ticked by Isabella hadn't realised how long she spent reading until her mother walked in the door, glancing out the window she noticed it's was dark out "Isabella Smith, have you been reading all day?" Her mother asked as she settled her bags down "yes mother, I didn't realise what time it was" her mother giggled "you get that from your grandmother" causing Isabella to giggle too "I miss her" Isabella sighed "I know dear, I miss them too now come help me put these away" Grace told her daughter.

"So tell me about your day sweetie" Isabella smiled wide "I found a local bookstore and it was amazing, they had different books that's I've never seen before, oh and there was a fresh bakery down the road" Isabella boosted causing her mother to smile back "good, I'm glad you like it hear dear" Isabella checked the time, it read 10:30pm "I'm going to bed now mother, see you in the morning" Isabella kissed her mother's check "goodnight dear" Grace called back as Isabella was going up the stairs and into bed.

"I wonder what tomorrow brings" and with that Isabella was asleep.

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