Chapter 5

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As days passed by Isabella became quite comfortable in Small Heath, She finally made a friend who was named Ada. Yet although Isabella was happy she made a friend she still questioned things, like why she has never met Ada's family or even her last name.

"Good Morning Isabella" came a voice from the kitchen, slightly confused as she was still half asleep she crept quietly in "oh god Ada, you scared me" Isabella giggled with her hand on her chest "its 6  am what are you doing here this early?" she asked as she glanced at the clock "well you see, i figured we could do a bit of shopping and go out tonight" Ada replied.

Isabella shuffled over to the kettle on the stove "i suppose we can, would you like a drink?" she asked softly as Ada squealed "thank you, thank you, thank you and yes please" as they both giggled over their tea planning the day out.

Ada wanted to tell Isabella who she was and about her family but she figured she didn't want to scare the girl yet that was until the next question Isabella asked "so i met a guy a few weeks ago and i haven't seen him since" which caught Ada's attention "do you know of his name" Isabella gave a nod "yes his name was John, John Shelby" Ada's eyes went wide as she spat out her tea "are you okay?" Isabella asked Ada quickly masked her shocked expression "yes, yes I'm fine" Isabelle snuck a glance at Ada's face worried that something was wrong "are you sure? Do you know of him? Oh god he's not your husband is he" Isabella sank in her chair and placed a hand on her face "no no I just didn't expect you to say that name" was Ada's response once she seemed to have calmed down "be careful talking to him Isabella he's not a man to get involved with" Isabella's heart sank with disappointment

"so shall we go shopping" after a few moments of silence Ada nodded.

"Look at this dress isn't it beautiful Isabella" Ada asked while they stood in the little cramped shop, Isabella turned to look at the dress and her mouth became agape looking at the black long dress "go try it on" Ada shoved Isabella into the back damp room which was barely lit, running her fingers along the dress Isabella sighed 'if only I could afford this' she thought, slipping the dress on she fell more in love with the dress.

Walking out the room to show Ada, she felt beautiful the long dress that was a tight corset at the top but flowed out at the bottom was a very beautiful dress, extremely pricey for Isabella "god Isabella that dress is beautiful on you" Ada complemented her as she stood looking in the small mirror by the window.
As Isabella was admiring the dress In The mirror She was completely unaware of the guy stood in the ally way also admiring the beautiful girl in the black dress.

Once Isabella and Ada finally picked a dress they parted way to go home promising to meet each other at 8pm with their best dresses and shoes on.

Pure Innocence (John Shelby love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin