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I woke up in a really uncomfortable position, until i then realized that i was hanging upside down from the tree in our back yard.

This brought back some terrible memories from when the bullies did this to me and used me as a punching bag.

I started whimpering and then it turned into crying full out into loud sobs.

Demi came running out with a camera video tapping me until she realized that i wasnt laughing.

Se dropped the camera, came to untie me and put me on the ground.

By this time i got up quickly and darted into the house, up the staris, into my room and locked the door.

"Rylee! Don't do anything stupid and get back out here!" Demi said banging on the door.

I unlocked the door quickly not trusting myself.

Demi came in and hughed me tightly.

"What happened it was just a joke to get back at you!" HSe said rocking me back and forth.

"It brought back memories." I sniffled out.

"I am so sorry." She said.

She is lying

She hates you

Get away from her before she brain washes you.

And that is what I did.

I scrambled out of her embrace and stood in front of her.

"You don't care about me at all!  For all I know this could just be all fake! Why all of a sudden you want to be nice to me?  I am not dumb and I know you are an actress so you can surely pull this off." I screamed at her.

"Is that what you think?  Well if you feel that way then I guess that is how it is going to be!  I should have never tried! I give up on you!  Dont even bother to call me your sister because you are nothing but selfish and worthless!" Demi shouted and stormed out of the room.

I was left there speechless.  The bullies were right, the fans were right, Demi did hate me. I slammed the door.

This was the time to do it.  Everyone hates me why not?  What is the point of living?  I grabbed the suicide note that I have written over and over again until it was perfection.

I sat at my desk renevating the letter adding a few things there, taking a few things out.

I then took a look at the letter.

Dear Family,

       If you are reading this you have probably found me dead.  i am sorry that you have to see me like this.  

       I just want everyone to know that this wasn't their fault, and no one could have stopped me.  I was going to do this someday.

       You might wonder why I did this to myself.  There are many reasons.  There are the advantages and disadvantages when your sisters have achieved in life and you are just the dissappointment child.  I hated being that child.  

       I let everyone around me down.  Every one wanted me to live up to be like Demi or Dallas and I am sorry that i couldn't deliver that wish.

       This life wasnt meant for me to live.  With Demi as the popstar hate was just too much to bare.  Everyone gave up on me, and Demi had confirmed it.

       Demi was right, I am useless,worthless piece of nothing and I am sorry for being a burden.  This was no ones fault and I dont want anybody to blame themselves for this.



I placed the letter on my bed where someone would see it.  I went into my bathroom, took out the blade that was hidden and sliced my wrist as deep as possible trying to hit a vein.  There were at least 20+ deep slashes on my wrist as i finished.  I then took out the anti depressants I have hidden and swallowed the rest of the bottle.

I laid on the floor as I felt darkness take over me.  Now all I had to do was wait, wait for eternal peace from my life that i call hell.


Here ya guys go!  sorry for the cliff hanger but i couldnt help myself!


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