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Demi's POV:

I thought about what I had said to Rylee.

Was I too harsh? I knew I said to much to her that I should have never said.

I thought about this for a little while until I decided to go apologize to her.

I climbed up the steps expecting to hear quiet sobs come from her room. Instead all I heard was utter silence.

She must be asleep. I decided to go check on her anyway to see how she was holding up, I mean from when I got her down from the tree she seemed pretty upset.

I knocked on the door a couple of times but got no answer.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. I was starting to get nervous and all the possibilities that could happen to her.

Come on Demi she is probably sleeping.

I kept telling myself that. I remembered the bobby pin in my hair. I took it out quickly and tried to pick the lock.

Sure enough the lock gave and I swung the door open expecting to see Rylee beneath the covers of her bed, but I didnt.

What i did see was the bathroom door open ajar.

I crept towards it and then opened it all the way.

The sight brought me to my knees.

There was blood everywhere coming from Rylees wrists, and an empty pill bottle in her hand.

I started crying, but then got myself under control.

I ran down the stairs and got the phone off the counter. I dialed 911

"911 state your emergency."

"Yes my baby sister tried to commit suicide." I said in a shaky breath.

"Ok what is your address?"

"123 Someunknownaddress." I stated.

"Ok the paramedics are on their way. Stay calm." she said and hung up.

I took the chance to call mom and dad about this. I didn't want to tell them that she tried to commit and get them all worked up but they needed to know that she was in the hospital.

I dialed there number and waited for them to pick up.

It went straight to voicemail shit.

I called another 6 times before there was a banging on the door.

I dropped the phone and opened the door to the paramedics.

"Where is she?" one of them asked.

"Up the stairs first door on the left."

They rushed up the stairs following the directions.

I ran up the stairs and stood out in the door frame not wanting to get in their way.

The next minute I see my sister on a stretcher with a mask over her mouth and bandages around her arms.

I walked into the room and noticed a letter on the bed. I quickly tucked it into my pocket.

"Will she be ok?" I asked the last paramedic out.

"I am uncertain. I've been to homes with the exact same scenario. Some of them made it some of them didnt. It's all up on the child." He answered.

We went down the stairs where the ambulance was.

They asked if I wanted a ride and I hopped on.

When we got to the hospital they rushed her out with me following.

She was. Brought through two double doors.

"Ma'm you can't go back there." a woman said from behind the desk.

"But that's my baby sister."

"Sorry please go wait in the waiting room."

And that is what I just did. I waited. I then remembered the letter in my pocket.

I took it out and stared at it.

I finally decided to open it. And what I read next was horrifying.

All I had to do now was Stay Strong.


Short but sweet. I just got all of those comments and just had to update for you guys so here ya go!


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