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*******Not edited********

I ran down the stairs, grabbed my jacket, and walked out the front door trying to blow off steam.

It was the best idea in case I said something that I would regret later.

Tears were threatening to fall down my cheeks as I was walking down the street, breathing in the cold air that made my throat burn, kicking a pebble as I walked.

I thought of everything Demi had said through my head. She probably hates me, I mean who wouldn't? I screw everything up and can't even manage to just have a normal sister relationship.

I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I reached back an took my phone out reading the messages on my phone.

As I was about to read the messages, the screen turned black, the icon of the empty battery showed up blinking.

"Shit." I mumbled and placed my phone in my back pocket where.

As I was doing so, I bumped into someone causing me to fall back onto the black top making my phone skid to the side of the road.

"I am terribly sorry." The person said, offering a hand to help me back up.

I looked up not recognizing the handsome guy that was holding my hand.

"Thanks." I said reaching for my phone.

"My name is Cameron, and what might your name be?" He asked, his piercing blue eyes staring into my deep chocolate ones, offering his hand out for me to shake.

"Rylee." I said shaking his hand.

"And why are you out here at this time of night?"

"I would like to say the same about you." I smirked.

"Fair, fair. So you live around here?"

"Yeah just a few blocks away, what about you?"

"Nah, just visiting my cousin for the summer. Him and I got into a fight and I thought a long walk would calm me down." He said as if he knew why I was out here.

"My sister and I got into it too."

"So that's why you're out here." He said with a smile.

"Yeah, but it's getting pretty late, I better get going. It was nice meeting you!" I said turning around in the direction I had come from.


I turned around after hearing him call my name.

I walked towards him eager to what he had to say.

He took out a pen, took my hand, and wrote a number on it.

"Here's my number in case you call me sometime." he said smiling.

"Maybe I will." I said smiling.

"By Rylee." he said turning around, walking in the opposite direction.

I walked all the way back home, a smile on my face, as I kept glancing down at the sloppily written number on my hand.

I walked through the door, and everyone stood up, worry written all across their foreheads.

"Where have you been? We were so worried!" Mom said running up to me and pulling me into a hug.

"Relax, my phone just died. I just went for a walk to blow off steam that's all." I said still smiling.

"Oh my gosh, I know that smile anywhere! Who is he?" Dallas said jumping off the couch and running over to me expecting me to spill the beans.

"His name is Cameron, but he's just a friend. We met when he accidentally knocked me down as I was walking."

"That is what everyone says." Dallas said giving me the 'yeah right' look.

"He's just a friend." I reassured her.

"By the way, where's Demi?" I said. Although I hated her guts, I didn't notice her anywhere.

"She's been upstairs in her room ever since you stormed out." Dallas noted.

I just nodded my head.

"I'm going to bed."

"But it's only 8:30."

"I'm going to bed." I repeated not wanting to talk about Cameron or Demi at the moment and that was the best way to avoid it.

I walked into my bedroom, locked the door, put my phone on charge, and changed into pjs.

Once my phone turned back on I entered Cameron's number in the phone, and saved it.

Maybe life isn't as bad as I thought it was.

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