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"In a night much darker than usual, the Turtles are Sneaking through the alley ways shrouded in a dense mist."

Leo: Shredder could be anywhere. So stay frosty everyone.

Donnie: FYI, frost can't can't happen unless it's below freezing and during a process called....

Mikey: (Groans) Maybe there is an off switch somewhere. (he tells Raph as Donnie continues his explanation)

Raph: (Smacks Donnie in the head) Found it!

???: And I found four pathetic turtles with only seconds to live.

Mikey: (sighs in relief) Wouldn't wanna be them.

Raph: We ARE them.

"The Turtles now aware of the Shredder's presence begin to look the area with their weapons in hand, until Shredder appears silently behind Mikey and takes him out of the battle."
"Donnie sees one of Mikey's nunchucks on the floor and leaps towards shredder but his blades cut the Bo staff in pieces and kicks Donnie away."

"Leo tries to attack head on while Raph runs on the wall of the alley, but Shredder throws Leo aside and caughts Raph when he tried to help only to sent him into the mist where he dissappears."

"With everyone defeated Shredder slowly begins to approach Leo with his blades ready to strike."

Shredder: There is no place you can run, no place you can hide where I will not find you. YOU THINK YOU ARE READY TO FACE ME?

"Before the final blow was struck, it is revealed to be only a nightmare in the mind of Splinter when he was sleeping, then he goes to the living room to see that his sons get ready to go outside."

Splinter: Where are you going?

Leo: Outside for our evening patrol.

Splinter: There will be no patrol!

Leo: Sensei?

Splinter: Last time you went against The Shredder you barely escaped with your lives.

Raph: But Sensei, next time we'll be ready.

Splinter: (he then grabs Raph by the arms to restrain him) Yes. Because you will stay down here until you are ready! No patrol, no games, no rest, there is only training! STARTING NOW! (then he let's Raph go while the rest look at Splinter terrified)

TMNT 2012: (Vol 1, Issue 9) Panic in the sewersWhere stories live. Discover now