Chapter 2: A Plan Gone Wrong

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Mikey: He keeps getting bigger.

Leo: Then I'll cut him down to size! (he goes to attack but fails) How about we stick together for this one.

"Raph and Donnie go to attack, but it's not enough to defeat him, then Leo goes for another try but this time he gets countered into a punch and Mikey zip lines from a power cable into Bradford but he is thrown at the trash cans."

Donnie: This is hopeless!

Leo: Keep your head in the game. (they dodge incoming attacks)

Donnie: I just want to keep my head on my body.

Raph: C'mon, what are why retreating for? (gets grabbed and thrown into a dumpster) Well that's a good reason

Leo: Mikey, Smoke!

Mikey: (Grabs a smoke bomb, but it slipped from his hands and hits the ground)

Raph: What was that!?

Mikey: I'm stressed!! Excuse me if my aim is a little off!

Raph: How hard is it to hit the ground? (he grabs his own smoke bomb and it accidentally landed on a manhole cover)

Mikey: Not so easy is it?

Leo: Oh for God's sake! (he grabs his own smoke bomb and it allows the team to escape)

''Back at the lair, everyone was feeling disappointed about the mission."

Leo: We couldn't beat him Sensei.

Mikey: Dogpound was to powerful.

Leo: "Dogpound"?

Mikey: What? Because he's a dog and he pounded us into the-

Leo: We get it. I don't see how we're going to get close to that meeting.

Donnie: Or maybe we need a new place to hide, I hear that the sewers in Florida are nice this time of year.

April: No! I'm not gonna let you guys give up. I'll spy on the meeting.

Raph: No way!

Mikey: Nah Ah.

Donnie: You can't.

Leo: Forget it.

Splinter: Absolutely not!

April: I can do this. You've been training me to be a kunoichi.

Splinter: For a few weeks.

April: What choice do we have? Shredder is gonna attack your home and we need to know how. And I'm the only one who can do it.

"With all other choices out of the window, they agreed to let April spy on the meeting at the Foot HQ in the same reason she tricked the Purple dragons with protection of course. The turtles arrived at the Foot HQ were April is ready with the bugged pizza.

Donnie: I don't like this.

Mikey: Me neither, giving the enemy a free pizza is a bad idea.

April: (Walks to the front door and knocks it where a Foot soldier answers) Hey there, did somebody ordered a very delicious pi- (before she could finish the Foot soldier shuts the door) Looks like the Foot are smarter than the Purple dragons. (she says to Leo on her phone)

Leo: They had to be at some point. Thanks April you did your best.

Mikey: At least we still have the pizza.

April: Oh, I'm not done yet.

Donnie: Wait, what are you doing?

"April then goes to an alley where she dumps the pizza into a dumpster."

Mikey: Not the pizza! She's gone rouge.

"April then goes to the nearest home and rings the bell."

Sir: Hello?

April: Sir I'm with the firefighter association local 94! We've received reports of some faulty wiring in this building so mind if I have looksi?

Sir: Well I don't think that-

April: Thanks! (she goes inside anyway)

"She uses the fire escape ladders to get her to the roof and manages to jump to the edge of the roof of the church were she nearly falls."

"When she got up she noticed a huge hole in the sky light and entered to overlook the meeting between Shredder, Dogpound and the Dragons."

Shredder: Listen carefully, five of you will high jack a tanker truck On Houston in a proximity fifteen minutes...(April puts the Turtles on speaker phone so they can listen) The chemical is extremely rare, so you won't get another chance.

Raph: Chemical? What chemical?

Donnie: How about we listen and find out?

Raph: How about I break your shell on my knee?

Leo: How about you two shut up for a minute while we try to hear Shredder's evil plan?!

Shredder: Wich will destroy the Turtles once and for all, now go!

Leo: We missed it, thanks a lot you two!

Donnie: We gotta get April out!

Leo: No. If rush in there we put her at risk so we wait.

"The Foot and the Dragons were getting ready for the mission with April not so far off."

April: I'm gonna hitch a ride, see where they go.

Leo: No you've done enough! Now get out of there.

"Unfortunately Bradford heard the conversation and when April turned around she gets knocked out and is put in the van before the Turtles could do anything."

Donnie: No! We're too late!

TMNT 2012: (Vol 1, Issue 9) Panic in the sewersWhere stories live. Discover now