Chapter 3: High Speed Chace

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Leo: April! April are you there!?

Donnie: She's not going to answer Leo! What are we going to do?

Leo: We have to get April out of that van! B-but Dogpound is in there a-and we are not ready to fight that guy! (groans) Splinter was right, we should have stayed Below!

Raph: I can't believe I'm gonna say this. "Get it together, captain! You're our leader so act like one!"

Leo: You're right Raph, that was the anxiety ray talking.
Raph: That's it? You're not gonna slap yourself?

Leo: I'm not that dramatic, now let's go and save April.

Raph: And our home.

Donnie: But we'll never catch them on foot.

Leo: We're not going on foot.

"After a few minutes the Turtles were on their way to stop foot with Donnie's Patrol buggy (despite Donnie telling his brothers that it's not ready). Meanwhile, the tanker truck which is carrying the mysterious chemical just got high jacked by the Foot and are ready to continue with their plan with Bradford hanging from the side of the truck."

Dogpound: Call Shredder, Tell him we've adquiered the tanker and we're on our way with no problems encountered. (he said to the Foot ninja that was driving the truck) Hold that call, and ram them down.

Leo: Raph, get ready.

Raph: For what?

Leo: For this!

"Leo then pulls a lever where suddenly the patrol buggy splits in two nearly avoiding the tanker truck and continuing to pursue the Foot."

Raph: Leo, you could have been a little bit more specific!

Leo: Where's the fun in that?

Donnie: (reads the back side of the tanker when the patrol buggy gets close enough) Chlorosullfonic acid? Leo, I think I've figured out Shredder's plan! That acid reacts violently with water!

Leo: So if they dump that in the sewer?

Donnie: It will all be incinerated including the lair!

Leo: And Splinter! We have to stop them!

"Back with the Foot, Fong sees that the Turtles are getting closer so he drives the van where April is away from the tanker."

Leo: Donnie! You and Raph stay with the van and save April! Mikey, you're coming with me, we have to stop that taker!

Mikey: Uhh, if you hadn't noticed I'm stuck with Raph.

Raph: No problem! (he pulls his lever and Mikey separates from Raph) Well that WAS fun!

Leo: Told ya! (he then pulls his lever so Donnie can go with Raph) Mikey let's slow this thing down, fire grappling hooks! (fires grappling hook)

Mikey: Got it! (fires his grappling hook, but both of them detached from the karts) Donnie said they weren't ready!

Leo: I know!

"Back with Donnie and Raph. Donnie gets close enough to throw a smoke bomb into Fongs face causing him to lose control for a moment, while Raph he drops Testubishi to deflate the tires of the van. Once that's done both Turtles run towards the van and are met by a small team of Foot ninjas."

Raph: Let's club these feet!

Donnie: I think they're called foots.

Raph: Just hit them.

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