Chapter 1: Overtrainning

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"During the following weeks, Splinter has forced the turtles to stay in the lair until they are ready to face Shredder again. However in those weeks the Turtles have trained non stop with little rest which causes them to develop a level of stress."

Mikey: More Sensei? (he asked as he and his brothers are trying to catch their breaths)

Splinter: Yes, more.

"Donnie and Mikey run towards Leo and Raph but it is countered into a very slow takedown which is due to the lack of rest that they had."

Splinter: There is no intention in your strikes! Do it again! We will practice all night if we have to!

Donnie: We HAVE been practicing all night!

Mikey: (falls asleep)

Splinter: Wake him up!

Raph: Gladly. (he grabs by up on his shoulders and throws him off)

Mikey: (screams in terror) SHREDDERS HERE!!

Leo: Relax you were just having a nightmare. (he helps him up)

Raph: Aren't we all.

Donnie: Sensei, can rest a sec?

Splinter: Rest? The Shredder will not rest, UNTIL YOU ARE ALL DEAD!!

Leo: Sensei we've been training non stop for weeks. They need a break.

Raph: Like you don't?

Leo: That's right Raph, I don't.

Raph: Well then, I'll give you one!

Splinter: (knocks all the turtles out with one strike) If I were the Shredder none of you would be breathing right now, UNDERSTAND!? Perhaps a brief rest is in order, we will resume later!

L/D/M/R: (fall asleep)

"Sometime later, Raph was reading one of his comic books while Leo watches Space heroes."

"The TV shows that Captain Ryan and his crew are fighting are group of robots known as the Panicons in a planet."

C. Ryan: (screams) The Panicons hit me with the anxiety ray. (starts to panic) We're all going to die! And I think I left the food replicator on the ship might burn down!!

Commander Grundch: Get it together captain! You are our leader, so act like one!

C. Ryan: (basically b#tch slaps himself) I'm sorry Grundch, that was the anxiety ray talking. I got it, I'll use the thermo charge! (and just as soon as the charge was thrown, a shuriken hits the power button of the TV)

Leo: Hey! I was watching that!

Raph: Oh sorry it was Spike's idea. He says that Space heroes is to stupid for him.

Leo: That's saying something considering he hangs out with you all the time.

Spike: (goes to chew on his leaf)

Raph: Nice going Leo, you made him angry, so I'm gonna mop the floor with your face!

Leo: All right Raph, cool off. 

Mikey I can help with that! (he screamed as he threw a water balloon at Raph's face) Dr. Prankenstein strikes again!

Raph: (looks at Mikey not in a happy way)

Mikey: Dude you should see your face, right now you look so mad.

Raph: OK Spike, you'll like this show, it's called "Does Mikey bend that way". (then he begins to chase Mikey around the lair until he catches him and starts to beat him up)

TMNT 2012: (Vol 1, Issue 9) Panic in the sewersWhere stories live. Discover now