Meet Me in the Janitors Closet

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^look how handsome this fucker is^

Third Person's POV~
Edward woke up to Harry drooling on his chest. He'd fallen asleep curled up next to him, apparently the nurses let him stay there. Edward smiled down at him, "Hazza," he said softly, his deep morning voice sounded smooth like honey, but rough at the same time. Harry sighed, contented. But didn't open his eyes. "Don't wanna...five more minutes.."

"Haz, open your eyes babe." He's always called Harry babe, not in a romantic way, he got it from their mum. She called everyone babe too. It just became habit for Edward to use the word himself. Harry sighed, "okay, okay. I'm awake." He said, lifting his head up to look at his [slightly] older brother.

"I don't wanna go." He pouted, "I know, but you need to. Besides, you haven't showered in weeks, and sorry to say luv, but you stink."

"Hey! You don't smell all that great either!" He teased, and I chuckled. "True. But you've still gotta go. You can come back every day after school if you want. But you should go back to school. You have cheer practice now remember? You're behind, gotta catch up and show them what you're made of."

"I don't wanna go without you." Harry frowned.

Edward laughed, "Now you don't want to go without me, where was this attitude two weeks ago, huh?"

Harry flushed, "I-" "I'm only joking. Go, have fun. I'll be outta here in no time, promise." Harry relaxed and nodded. Liam appeared in the doorway, "I'm sorry, but we gotta go. School starts in an hour and a half."

"I know," Edward squeezed Harry's hand reassuringly. Harry nodded, standing up. Liam nodded and turned, walking out. Harry went to follow. He paused in the doorway to give one last look to Edward. And then he was gone.

"I love you too," Edward mouthed into the air.
"You sure you're okay with this?" Zayn asked Niall over the phone.

"Yes," Niall sighed for the thousandth time.

"But if you change you're mind, and need me to pummel him, I totally will."

Zayn was the only one who Niall told. Harry and Edward were Liam's family, and he didn't want them to feel like they had to pick sides. But deep down, he almost wanted to tell them, to hurt Liam, like he'd hurt him.

"I know. But I don't need you fighting my battles for me, I just need your support."

"I think you chose the wrong friend for that mate," Zayn almost laughed, and so did Niall, almost. "Yeah, well, you're kinda all I've got right now."

"Does that mean I need to watch a bunch Oprah, and sappy movies to turn myself into a more caring and maternal person?" Zayn teased.

"You plan on growing a uterus too?" Niall couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a girl, it's us guys who fuck everything up. We could take a few lessons from them, honestly, maybe growing a heart wouldn't be such a bad thing." He's not wrong, Niall thinks. But the bitter ache of heartbreak burns in his chest.

"Take it from someone who's heart just shattered, growing a heart is torture."

"Which is why women must turn into warriors. And why you must now too."

"Remind me to hug my mum more." Niall stated simply. "Seriously, man." Zayn laughed, his statement was genuine.

"I think I know why Edward values you as his closest friend now." Niall said after a bit of silence. "What do you mean?"

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