And there will be sun..

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Edward's POV~

"What is going on?" Vladimir turns to look at Adrik Jr. "Your time's up." Adrik replied, the gun fired. All I could hear was the ringing in my ear. Vladimir's body fell limply to the ground. Bullet to the head.

Adrian and Adrik's men came out of the shadows and seized Caligari's people. Taking their weapons. After freeing my hands, I freed Colin's and then Adrian's. "Adrian, what the hell is this?" His mother sneered. Her arms held behind her back by one of Adrik's trusted men.

"Sorry, Mum. But your time's up too."

She laughed menacingly, "you wouldn't kill your own mother."

"You're right," Adrian strode up in front of her. "But these three would." He gestured back at Adrik, Colin, and me, Adrik still had the gun in his hand. Colin crossed his arms over his chest. I still had the knife in my left hand, other than that, I stood, nonplussed. I wasn't in the mood for games, I just wanted this over and done with.

I needed my family to be safe. Zayn, Harry, Liam, even Karen and Geoff. Everything felt within reach and yet, I almost couldn't believe it was finally happening. This thing that had hung over me my whole life, was now coming to an end. I'd be safe. Finally.

"What exactly are you saying?" She pressed.

"I'm saying I'm in charge now. Adrik Jr just became the Russian mafia's king-pin. And he recognizes me as the leader of ours. We've made a deal. And together we plan on ruling in tandem. So either you agree to step down, and get stripped of your status, or I let them kill you."

She glared at him. The hatred in her eyes could be seen from meters away. "How dare filthy ungrateful--" she slammed an elbow into the man holding her's stomach. Pulling out a hidden gun under her shirt but before she had enough time to aim it at me --bang.

I glanced over at Adrik, but it hadn't been him who fired. His gun was still at his side. My ears rang again. I could see Adrian fall to his knees, his mother's blood covering his face and hands. My eyes flickered to the left corner of the warehouse. Liam's aim was spot on. My mouth opened, shocked and dumbfounded.

"Liam." I felt my lips move but I couldn't hear it. Liam looked down at the gun, held in between his two trembling hands, and back at me. My feet propelled me forward. I took the gun and set it on the ground. Tossing my knife behind him as well, and then hugged him. He stood there, shocked for a moment before wrapping his arms around me. "Fuck..fuck..I didn't mean to..i just..I had a gun.." I could finally begin to hear again, the buzzing faded. "Shh..I know..I know..It's okay.." I clung to him, and buried my face in his neck and shoulder. My body trembled, I wasn't sure which one of us was crying. Maybe both. "How'd you find me?" I asked finally.

"Tracker..I put a tracker on your hadn't come home for dinner. Zayn texted me you'd disappeared this morning..I knew I had to find you. He's on his way..I came as soon as I could."

"Edward?" Liam and I pulled apart as Karen and Geoff scurried in. I looked at Liam with wide eyes. "I didn't tell them, I swear."

"Oh boys..oh my god.." Karen squeezes us both up in her arms. "We followed Liam..we were worried about you." Geoff said, wrapping his arms around Karen and Liam.

"Styles!" I pulled apart from the Payne's just in time for Zayn to grab me and pull me into him. He kissed me fiercely and angrily. "Don't you ever fucking pull that shit with me again. Do you hear me?" He growled, I clung to his shirt, a black v-neck. It smelt like him. "I hear you." I whispered against his jaw.

"Hate to break up this little moment, Styles..but we have to go." Adrik warned.

"Go, go where, what's going on here?" Karen shouted. "Mum, we'll explain everything later, right now, he's right, we need to go."

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