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Chapter 6

Well Clark has a girlfriend just in the second day and the school year went on with pretty much learning, and Autumn. I never got the chance to tell her I like her. I wish I could, but tomorrow is the last day of school and I still haven't found any words that could fit in this situation.

"Class of 2018! I have had a wonderful year teaching you guys!" Said Mrs. Nicholson.
"Ugh, I'm gonna miss you!"belted out a girl named Ally siting right behind me. Well, behind Autumn.

Autumn moved seats back after the day she had a "talk" with the teacher about something. I'm honestly glad she did.

And that girl ally? Ally was Autumn's friend, I came out to know from elementary school.

"So Ally are you going to the same high school?" Said Autumn.
"Yep sure am,But Lindsey's not."
"No! Really? Man, I'm sure Aaron is going to be in a bad mood."

I interrupted.

"Wait what? Who's this Lindsey girl? Does she like Aaron?"
"Why are you so concerned?" Said Autumn.
"I'm not. Definitely not. I just know Aaron, and he's kinda a tough guy, and I don't see him liking a girl like Lindsey."
"Lindsey? Oh Aaron. I didn't know he was like that especially coming from a guy as strong as you."
"You think I'm strong?"
"Strong heart and strong mind, yes."
"Wow it's getting hot in here!" Belted out by Ally and Rebecca.
"Uh uh......."

We left the classroom with butterflies. Well at least I did. She is so confident and I can't help but stand there like a stupid idiot.

I came to school as a 8th grader and left as a high schooler, which means I have to audition for a spot in the high school team! I just got in here, here we go again.

My phone rang.

"Hello? Who's this?"
"It's Clark. Sorry I wasn't at school, I had an dentist appointment."
"Nah it's fine. But I'm pretty sure Autumn likes me."
"What dude! That's awesome! See you'll be as happy as I am with Rebecca. She sent me the sweetest thing on snapchat. Guess what she said?"
"What lemme' guess, I love you or something."
"No she said I like you, we're not that far yet. Are you asking Autumn to the prom?"
"Yes, but as gorgeous as she is I don't think I'm gonna get anywhere. Boys will be lining up when it's near dance time."
"Dude, she's gonna turn down everyone cause she likes you."
"Really? I'm gonna do it."
"Do what?"
"Tell her I love her."
"Love? Ooh..."
"Yes, I going big."
"Okay tell me how it goes I have to hit the hay. We gotta big day tomorrow!"
"Yep championship! Night bro."

The phone buzzed. What have I done?

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