Levy (Gajeel POV)

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She's a tough one. No doubting that. I thought, walking away from her hospital room. "Oi. Shrimp probably thinks I'm going to kill her." It was nighttime, the darkness like a thick fog overhead. I walked along the cobblestone roads, kicking loose rocks. "Who can blame her? I put her there. She has a right to be afraid." I growled lowly, kicking a rock as hard as I could. My hair was a mess from being inside that damned hood that whole time, so naturally, I kept fixing it. "Well, if it isn't Black Steel Gajeel." A voice echoed from behind. Slowly I turned, seeing two wizards. "We don't like what you did to our Guild Hall, or our friends." Oh, I'm so scared. Weaklings don't know what they're getting into. I thought, looking at them. "I don't want trouble." Casually spoken, I turned away, walking from the scene. "Wow, never thought Black Steel would chicken out of a fight." One laughed. I roared with rage, turning and charging at them. "Iron Dragon Roar!" A blast of metallic shards blew from my lips, severing flesh as they fell. "I didn't chicken out. I'm avoiding more trouble.' I growled, shoving my hands into my pockets and walking away for a final time.

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