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"I like you, Josh. It's you I like." I said to him in a tone where he knew I was serious. I like Josh. I know I do. I have liked him from the day I met him. I knew that I liked him from that moment on. It's hard not to like him when he's him.

"I like you, too. And I'd never not want you to be in my life." he said. I couldn't stop the smile on my face.

Hello lovely reader.

This is a Joshaya Fan fiction. Feel free to fangirl or fanboy, over my story. I do it too. I am human. I fangirl. I have feelings. This story will make you smile or cry, there is no in between. The only in between is if you are crying with a smile on your face.

Please don't take my story line. I hope you like my story and show positivity. Please no hate, rude comments, etc.

If you keep up the hate I will block you. I can't stop you from reading my story but I can stop you from reading private chapters that may or may not be published later on.

But if you don't like my story do the follow two steps

-Take it out of your reading list/library

-And leave

Very simple. No need for hate in this world. We already have enough of it. Thank you.

My story will contain the following

-mature sence

-stronger language

There will be a warning before each chapter/ before each sence

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