Topsy Turvy

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We walk into my house and relax on the couch.

"I can't believe this is the first time I've been to your house." The quiet chuckle  There's a noise from the kitchen and I can smell something cooking.

“Hey Pumpkin! You're home! I’m so used to you being home. .  before. . me.” my dad says.

His voice dropping a little when he comes out from the kitchen. a slightly confused look on his face as he look between our two guest.

“I was expecting the boys to be with you. Who are your friends?” he asks looking back at me.

“Oh! This is the girl Anti’s been blabbering about and this is Ryan, one of jack’s friends.” I say guestgering to them.

“Well.. I just finished something in the kitchen if yous guys are hungry.” He says pointing out with his thumb.

We head into the kitchen. After eating we chat for awhile, I don’t even know how long we've been talking 'till Ryan mentions it. I then notice it’s starting to get dark out.

“Well I’ve got to get going. It’s getting late.” Ryan says standing and stretching.

“Do you need a ride?” My dad ask.

“Thanks but I’m being pick up. Also thanks for letting me stay and for the food an-“ Ryan’s praise is cut short.

“Alright, alright. You're welcome but I really didn’t do that much.” My dad chuckles.

Ryan rubs the back of his head and laughed. There’s a honk from out front.

“that’s my ride. See you guys!” He calls running out the door with a wave.

“See ya’!” We call just before the door closes.

Ryan such a sweet guy, I don't get why he hangs out with jack..

“I should probably get going too.” says solemnly the voice from besides me as she looks over to my dad. “Is that ride still on the table?”

“Of course it is!” He says cheerfully.

“I’ll come along for the ride.” I say.

“Great, Let's get going then!” She exclaims.

We head to the car, her and I sitting in the back so he can chat more while she guides my dad to her house. It’s completely dark by the time we get there and she has a weary look as she looks out the window. My dad takes notice.

“I’ll walk you to your door.” My dad offers.

She smiles and thanks him. They are halfway to the house when I notice she left her bag. I take it and hurry to them.

“Hey you left yo-“ I was cut off my The front door being thrown open and a woman rushing out.

“Oh sweetie there you are!” She yells throwing her hand around dramatically. “I was so worried about you!”

“I’m fine mom.” She say lacklusterly.

She gasps as her mother embraces her tightly. The woman then looks to my dad her expression goes from relief to annoyance.

“Oh. It’s you. Of course, just as irresponsible as ever.” She sneers at him.

“It’s good to see you too.” He replies sarcastically.

He crosses his arm and steps towards her.

“Lest see. The last time I saw you.. you had taken one of my little girls from me, half of everything I owned and ran off with your shitty boyfriend.” every one of his words laced together with anger.

My eyes are wide and my heart is racing. ‘He.. He doesn’t mean who I think he does.. does he?’ the thought fills my mind until that very person turns around to look at me. I want to go to her but.. my legs just won’t move. I can feel the tear well in my eye as I watch hers do the same. Seeing our reactions my father looks away still seething as her mother watches on crestfallen.

“I.. uh..” her mother stubbles to find something to say

“I wish you's didn’t have to find out this way..” my dad says looking back a despondent look finding its way to his face. “Yes. You're sisters.”

She takes a shaky step in my direction me. My tears spill down my face as I bolt towards her nearly tripping at my sudden speed, feeling as tho if my feet have been freed from being securely glued to the ground. the force of my hug almost sending us to the ground. I can feel her the wetness as my shirt soaks her tears.

“T-twins.. actually..” her mo- er- our.. mother states.

We soon tear apart from one another. I offer her the bag that was forgotten on the ground behind me. We laugh and she takes it from me.

“I.. uh.. I guess.. I’ll.. Uh.” She stumble on her words while trying to wipes the rest of her tears away.

“See you tomorrow?” I finish for her.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow.” She confirms smiling widely.

I smile back just as wide. Me and my dad head back to the car. I wave to her as we drive away. Even with the stupid stuff that happened today there’s only one thing on my mind..

My sister...

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