Just friends.

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Lucy's POV:
I was sitting at the bar when Mira came up to me.

"So, how is everything with you and Natsu?" She said with her usual smile that can brighten a day. I gave her a look that tells her 'What' she understood. "I mean are you guys a thing now?"

"MIRA" I yelled not meaning to sound rude but she is getting into my love life.

"Come on Lucy, Cana and I were talking earlier and she mentioned that you guys were always together."

Just then Natsu walked in.

Natsu's POV:
I saw Lucy over with Mira so I decided to join in there conversation. Not that I would understand. They probably are talking about crushes and girly stuff, then it came to me. I could find out Lucy's crush. Though I don't know why I wanna know, it's her private stuff after all. So I walked over.
"Hey girls." I said.

"Oh hey Natsu what's up?" Said Lucy.

"Oh nothin just wondering what your talking about."

"Oh nothing interesting." Mira replied with a smirk that makes you wonder if it has something to do with you.

"So anyways wanna go on a job, Luce?"I asked.

"Great I'm broke so it would help."I never noticed before but her eyes sparkle a lot, it's kinda cute. 'Stop thinking like that Natsu she's your friend'. I kept saying to myself.

"Hey Flame brain can I come too?" I heard an annoying voice said.

"Sure!"Lucy said I kinda wish she didn't.

Lucy's POV:
We picked a job. 'Please help dark guild attacking reward 90,000 jewels.' It said. We got on the train and Natsu insists to sit next to me away from Gray. Then he threw up.
I let him rest on my head so that he can sleep peacefully the way there. He looked kinda cute when he sleeps. Not that I'm creepy like that.

Gray's POV:
Lucky Natsu gets to sleep on Lucy's lap. He doesn't even like her. Well at least not the way I do. I love Lucy. Always have always will. Natsu can't just take her like that. He can't just suddenly Like her then steal her from me.

"So where is this town?" I ask.

"It's in Bonaho." She replied. "I don't think I heard of it."

"Same, it's new to me." I stated.

"Grrrrr are we there yet?" That idiot said.

"Will you shut up already your giving me a headache."I said.

"YOU TRYING TO PICK A FIGHT WITH ME!" He said while barfing I may add.

Lucy's POV:
We later got off the train and headed to the clients house. I was in front of the boys but still made sure they weren't killing each other. It was kinda weird they weren't arguing at all, just intense glares that I'm glad not to be apart of.

Natsu's POV:
That Elsa has been glaring at me this entire time, I really don't know why so I just threw one back.

"Ok we're here." Lucy said. I knocked on the door maybe too hard. We could hear a man that seemed terrified.

"Please sir I have a grandchild?" The man said fear in his voice.

"Great going dummy you made the poor guy paranoid!" Gray said.

"It's not my fault." I shot back.

"Will both of you stop now."

"S-sorry Lucy."Said Gray, why is he suddenly Lucy's 'Prince Charming'.

Sorry it's the end this short it's after 12:00am right now, hope you enjoyed!!!!!!

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