"My Little Sister"

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I walk deeper into the forest sighing softly as the sound of streaming water became louder. I make it to a river and stop just at the edge staring into the clear water. I let out a peaceful sigh remembering how my sister would love this. As I went into thought I heard rustling coming from behind me making me growl softly. Carefully I move my hand in front of my stomach making my knife appear as I prepare myself to attack. 

"I-it's okay. I-it's me T-T-Toby." Toby stuttered as he emerged from bushes. I sigh a breath of relief and nod putting my knife in my back pocket. "What are you doing out here, hon?" I ask as Toby walked up to me. "I c-came to check o-o-on you." Toby answered as he looked to the river then to me. "Oh, well, you didn't have to. I left a note on the fridge." I respond as I sat down looking into the river. "D-does my s-st-stutter bother you?" He asked sitting next to me. I look to Toby and see that he still didn't have his mouth piece on. "No, not at all. Why would you ask that?" I ask after answering. He shrugged. "B-because, pe-people like you c-ca-can't stand it." He answered. What does he mean by that?

"People like me?" I ask confused on what he had meant. He looked at me. "S-so-someone beautiful." He answered. Oh god not this shit again. "Toby, I'm not beautiful. Trust me." I let out a sigh. "Your stutter doesn't bother me because that's how my sister was." I finally add. "Oh," He whispered. "What happened to her?" He asked catching that I had said 'was'. I stare into the water and hug my knees close to my chest. "My mom took her away from us." I answer as I watch fish swim by. "I'm sorry." Toby apologized. I put my head down. "No you're not. You don't even know me and you didn't know her. So how can you be sorry for someone you don't even know?" I shot back with a slightly irritated tone.

"You're right." He finally spoke up. "I d-don't know you, a-an-and I didn't k-know her." I hold myself tightly and sniffle. "I'm sorry I snapped... Can you give me some time alone, love, please?" I ask looking up at Toby trying to mask my pain. He nodded understanding what I needed and got up leaving me alone like I asked. 

Once I'm alone I look at the water again, horrid images of what really happened flashed in front of my eyes making me close my eyes. "No, no, no!" I scream gripping at my hair as I hide my head in my hands.

How can a mother do that to her own child? How can she do that and continue to call herself a mother. She called out my name... s-she called for me but I ignored her. What kind of person am I? It was all my fault. I killed Lilly she was my everything and I didn't help her. What the actual fuck is wrong with me? I continue to mentally curse myself, blaming myself for not saving Lilly when I had the chance. 

I pull out the knife from my pocket and carefully carve her name onto my left wrist watching as my blood falls into the river then fades with the currents. 

I sit at the river for hours until the sun began to set. I stand up and walk back towards the mansion leaving my knife where it lays as a gift for Lilly. I wipe the stray tears from off my face as I continued to walk getting closer and closer to the mansion with each step. 

I ascend up the front steps to the mansion door, yells and the sound of shattering glass was heard from behind the door. What the fuck? Slowly I open the door and quietly walk in. 

"You're thinking about her, aren't you?!" Jane yelled as she threw a vase at Jeff. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Jeff yelled back dodging the vase as it shattered behind him. "You want her! I can see it in your eyes! You haven't kissed me the same way ever since she got here!" Jane yelled tears streaming from her eyes. Shit are they fighting about me?

"Don't waste your breath." I state bluntly as I close the door behind me. Jane quickly wiped her face then glared at me. "How long have you been standing there?" She asked ignoring my comment. I shrug and walk past her and Jeff keeping my hands in my pockets. "I guess when you said, 'you're thinking about her aren't you?'." I answer walking towards the stairs. "But like I said. Don't waste your time. I'm only here to settle things." I add walking upstairs to my room. Jane glared at me as I disappeared down the hall. 

"Jane, I don't want her. I want you." Jeff said as he walked up to Jane and gently grabbed her hands. Jane nodded slowly then sighed. "Okay." And with that she pulled away and went to her room thinking as she locked herself inside. 

I take off my shirt then after kicking my shoes off I take off my pants changing into a pair of comfortable pajama shorts along with a matching black tank top. I pop my knuckles and neck before laying in bed staring at the carving on my left wrist. "I'll bring you back, Lilly. I promise my soul on it." I form my hand into a fist before resting my forearm over my eyes drifting off to sleep. Goodnight, Lilly Pad.

Sweet Nightmares (Creepypasta)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt