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I stood up and walked into the bathroom seeing that Jeff's mirror was covered with a slip of paper. I take no mind to it and grab a small towel taking it back to Jeff. "Clean yourself up, okay. I'll be downstairs." I said, gently touching Jeff's hair then left his room. Jeff nodded and cleaned his wrist as I left. 

I walk downstairs to the living room where Ben was sitting with Sally by his side. Jane was on the floor, Toby was sitting on a stool, Masky was with Hoodie on the floor in front of the T.V. and everyone else was no where to be seen. "Where's Jeff?" Jane asked as she noticed I was walking into the living room. I shrug. "In his room I think. He had called you a bit earlier." I lied as I sat next to Sally who was watching Ben play a new game. Jane smiled and stood up skipping upstairs to Jeff's room. Hopefully she can get him away from me. 

I lean back into the couch and sigh softly staring at the T.V. "You okay?" Ben asked as he heard me sigh. I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." I show a small smile before leaning my head back closing my eyes. 

"Jeff?" Jane asked as she opened the door. "Yeah?" Jeff answered putting the bloody towel down. "Did you call me?" Jane asked with a smile as she walked into the room. "No, but I do need to talk to you." Jeff responded as he stood up and looked down at her. Jane nodded. "Okay, what about?" Jane asked as he smile slowly went away. Jeff sighed softly. "I don't want to be with you anymore." He admitted. "W-what?" Jane asked as her heart shattered and her body began to tremble with anger and sadness. "I'm sorry, Jane. This wasn't going to work out for much longer anyways. You have to understand, you and I aren't compatible we never were. I'm sorry, Jane." Jeff said as he kissed Jane's forehead and left his room walking into the living room. 

Ben handed me the controller. "Here play for a little while." Ben smiled as he got up. I shake my head. "No, I'm okay. Thank you." I hand the controller off to Sally and smile softly. Sally smiled back and took the controller playing for me. Ben walked into the kitchen as Jeff came downstairs and sat next to me. I don't speak and lean my head back again letting out a sigh. Jeff wrapped his arm around my shoulder and looked at me. "You okay, babe?" Jeff asked pulling me close. I don't respond feeling weird that he had called me that. "Babe?" Jeff asked again and I still don't give him an answer. "(y/n)." He finally said as he nuzzled his head under my jaw. 

"Yeah?" I answer looking down at him. "Are you ok-" Jane stomped downstairs. "You bitch!" Jane yelled as she neared Jeff and I. Oh great. "Jane, cal-" Jeff sat up. "No! She said not to waste your breath, yet you're holding her like you're together!" Jane yelled as she stood in front of us gaining everyone's attention. "Will you stop?" I finally spoke up my head throbbing from the migraine spreading. Jane glared at me as Sally, Hoodie and Masky stood up to leave. 

"Fuck y-" I chuckle cutting Jane off. "Listen, I'm not in the mood for this bullshit. Grow up. Not everything can be given to you." I stated bluntly looking up at Jane. Without any warning her hand swept across my face making my migraine worse. Jeff began to get up but I stood up instead and looked down at Jane who was a few inches shorter than me. "Do that again and I'll, fucking, murder you." I growl. Again her hand swept across my face. That's it. 

I grabbed Jane's wrist and pulled her back punching her in the face with my free hand. Jane groaned as she pulled her knife out and swung at me. I quickly dodge the attack and punch her in the stomach earning another groan. When she had the chance she punched me in the cheek and held her knife to my throat. I chuckle softly and smirk as I kicked her in the chest sending her crashing into the wall. The debris crumbled around her and got in her hair and on her shoulders. I walk over to Jane slowly as she got up. She charged at me holding her knife tightly as she stabbed my side. I let out a small groan before grabbing her wrist tightly making her let go of the knife with a painful yelp. I push Jane away from me, leaving her knife stabbed in my side as she clawed at my neck. I wince before I was pinned to the ground Jane straddling my waist as she scratched and punched my face. 

I chuckle at how weak her punches were as I pull the knife out of my side and stab her in the chest making her gasp. Just as I was going to punch her we were separated by Ben and Jeff. Jane clawed at Ben's arms as she was pulled away from me. I was panting with a clenched jaw as Jeff held me tightly. "You're in so much trouble." Sally said as Slender entered the room. 

"My office. Now." Slender scolded before he walked back to his office. Fuck me. I look at Jeff who was holding into me for dear life and gently touch his hand. "Let me go." I whisper. He nodded and let me go and I began walking to Slender's office, Jane following. 

Slowly I open the door and walk in with Jane. Slender stood their towering over both of us with a very intimidating stance. "I'm very disappointed in you, Jane." Slender scolded facing Jane. She put her head down. "Two weeks in the dungeon." He finally said. She nodded. "Sir?" I interjected. "Yes?" He answered. "It was my fault. I taunted her. Punish me not her." I defended Jane even though she pissed me off. Maybe this will fix things between Jane and Jeff. "Is that so?" He asked. Jane and I nod. "Let me guess: it was over Jeff?" He asked. We nod once again. "Well seeing that (y/n) was quick to take fault I'll let you off punishment, Jane." Slender said facing Jane. She nodded and left the room.

"Now," Slender said after Jane left. "How shall I punish you?" He asked aloud. "I-I don't know, Sir." I answer. He turned his back towards me as he thought. "Do you want to be with Jeff?" He finally asked. I shook my head. "No, Sir." I admitted. He then chuckled. "That's your punishment." He stated. "What?" I ask. "You will be with Jeff for as long as he wants you. And you cannot use any new found power to get him to leave you. You will be released of your punishment only when Jeff tells you he no longer wants you, am I clear?" Slender said scolding me. My chest sank, but I knew I had to obey. I nod, "Yes, Sir." I answer. "Good now get out." I nod and leave. 

Damn it. This isn't what I wanted. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I walk into my room. I'm literally going to murder myself. I don't want to be with him I can't. I don't love him like he loves me. I can't love him. I can't love anyone actually. What am I going to do? Some way I'm going to make him hate me no matter what Slender says. I can't be with him and I won't, I promise my remaining soul on it.

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