"I'm Done"

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Ben let out a breathy chuckle as he looked at me. "Really?" He asked with a small smile. I nod in response still smiling. Just then there was a knock on the door followed by it being opened. "What are you doing?" Jeff asked as he took a step inside and closed the door behind him. Ben and I moved away from each other quickly as Jeff neared us. "Just came to get my speaker, dude." Ben answered as he stood up, grabbing his speaker off the dresser. I sit silently on the bed messing with my fingernails. Jeff nodded. "Alright, so get out." Jeff said with a deep tone. Ben scoffed a bit before he walked out the room closing the door behind him.

"Why are you blushing?" Jeff asked pulling me out of thought as he looked down at me. I shrug as I begin to get nervous. "Maybe it's the weed." I answer trying to change the topic. "You smoke?" Jeff asked as he took a step closer. I hesitate for a bit. "Does smoking for the first time count as being a smoker?" I ask. He shrugged. "Maybe? I don't, fucking, know." Jeff answered with an attitude. I stand up. "Don't come in here with a bitchy attitude and ruin my high. If I don't fuck up your good mood don't do the same to me." I snap, which wasn't a smart thing to do. Jeff pushed me on the bed then crawled on top of me. 

"What was that?" He growled as his eyes stared into my mind. I clench my jaw and push Jeff off me making him fall on the bed besides me. "In short terms: fuck off." I respond and stand up to walk off. "I'm really, fucking, trying, (y/n)!" Jeff yelled as he gripped the sheets of my bed. I stop in my tracks and sigh.

 "You don't understand how much it hurts to love someone who doesn't love you," He said with a calmer tone. "You may think I only love you for your looks, or because I just want something to fuck, but that's not true.... (y/n), I fell in love with you and love you because of the person you are. You're so amazing, athletic, funny, intelligent, and by god so beautiful." Jeff let the sheets go and gently grabbed my hand. "The first time I saw you I was taking a walk through the forest," He smiled. "I heard you singing. I didn't know what the song was, but it's been stuck in my head ever since. You were alone and sitting next to the river. Your hair was a black and blue to match the outfit you were wearing, god you looked so beautiful wearing that dress, I couldn't help but stay. I listened to you sing, talk, even cry.... when you cried I felt my heart break. I didn't know I could feel that anymore, but I did and it hurt me." Jeff pulled me back towards him as his hands grabbed my waist and I was now face to face with him.

"Never in my life have I felt that type of connection with someone, and never in my life did I want to continue to feel it. I've loved you for years, and I even waited for you but you never came back... Baby, I knew about your mom and what she did, but she didn't commit suicide: I killed her. What she did wasn't right and how she hurt you wasn't right either.... I had to fix it or at least try. Just I love you. I love you with my body, heart, and soul and I will be yours for all eternity, but I understand if you don't want to be mine." My voice left my body as my heart raced. Bullshit, I wanted to say. You're so full of shit, I wanted to yell but I couldn't. All I could do was hug him. I held onto Jeff as my eyes swelled with tears. Jeff pulled me in close, pulling me onto his lap as he hugged me tight. 

He killed Amy. A voice whispered that instantly made me get off Jeff. "Hey... what happened?" Jeff asked with a confused look as he grabbed my hand. I step away and take a deep breath that resulted in me pinching the bridge of my nose. "For someone who loves me you have an odd, fucking, way of showing it." I reply with a slight attitude. Jeff stood up and glared down at me as his expression changed. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked with a hurt voice. "You killed the one person that meant the world to me!" I yell, "She was my everything and you killed her out of jealousy! You're fucking pathetic." I snap, letting my anger get the best of me. Which honestly wasn't the best idea. 

A hand quickly swept across my face, sending me to the floor. "I have devoted everything to you! My life, my heart, my soul my fucking everything and this is how you act? It was one slip up. One! You make it seem like it's the end of the, fucking, world!" Jeff yelled as his defense, towering over me. I clench my jaw and kick Jeff in the crotch making him hunch over, leaving me with the chance to kick him in the face and stand up. "Fuck you! You have no idea what it's like to lose the one person you love. You have no fucking idea what it feels like to watch the love of your life die, to hold them in your arms as they take their last breath, to know that even if you brought them back you couldn't be in their life. You don't know what love is, and you have no idea how much that type of heart ache can hurt." I yell before storming out of the room, walking downstairs.

"(Y/n), what happened?" L.j. asked as I walked past him. I walk into the kitchen and grab the large kitchen knife before walking into the living room. "Hey, stop. If you go out and do something stupid you'll end up-" I scoff, "End up like Jane? You know what? I don't give a fuck, okay? I'm done with following orders, with having to be with someone who I can't love, I'm done, and I don't care what the consequences are." I reply as I open the front door, walking out. I'm done with following orders and I'm done with Jeff. I need to go to Amy. I need to see if she's okay. Because Jeff... he'll try to hurt her again, and if that happens I am not hesitating to fight. I will make sure Amy lives a long and happy life... even if I won't be apart of it, she deserves that much. And I will protect her with everything I have, always.

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