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I decided to be brave and act unbothered I stepped out of the car closing the door behind me loudly enough for Jack to notice me along with a few other eyes. I locked up and walked over to him.

I didn't actually make eye contact with him until I was only inches from him "Hello" He said that was all he had to say I was disappointed but what else was I expecting? I didn't say anything.

"Destiny" He grabbed my hand but I slipped from his grip he changed his tune "I'm sorry!" He was more quiet I could hear the tears through his voice rusky and timid. I could feel people watching I didn't want any attention so I moved me and Jack to a table on the inside of the restaurant.

We where approached by a waiter I skimmed through the menu and ordered the first thew things I saw "I'll have the pasta bolgnase and a smooth river cocktail thank you!" He then turned to Jack he looked up at the waiter read his name "Leo I'll have the same please!" With our orders written he walked away thanking us for our choice of restaurant.

I could feel Jack looking at me "You look beautiful!" I was hot and confused I didn't really know how I felt right now old feelings for Jack where coming back to me when he said that. I looked at him for the first time since we had meet up "Thank you" What else could i say? Yh he looked good but I wasn't dragging myself into that pool again to be left drowning.

"Destiny I don't want to be like Billy" I started to panic "Billy! What do you know about Billy?" He just carried on talking "It doesn't matter but I don't want you to think I'm anything like him! He sounds evil and he was so stupid to treat you how he did"

I began to tear up our meal had arrived so Jack paused to welcome the food and wait for the waiter to leave again. We both choose our cutlery and spoke whilst we eat. "I was stupid to let you go to treat you so stupidly Destiny I love you and I would do anything to be with you! Know I'm not saying I'm going to be perfect and I'm not saying that I'm never going to do something wrong and make a mistake because I'm pretty good at those things."

"But what I am saying is I'll treat you better then anyone else can I'll protect you and forever want to be with you!"

Now I was really crying all feelings I had for Jack where coming back to me "I think I love you too Jack!" There I said it those words where either going to be a mistake or the start to a future!

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