Found my mate!

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Hannah's POV

"You little slut!, I'm going to teach you a lesson you will NEVER forget" Greg sneered in my face

I just wanted to die, he back to hurt me again.

"No!" I screamed. I woke up with cold sweat on my forehead

I heard a voice say "Hannah? Whats wrong?" I looked to my left and came face to face with Mr. Harris, my teacher.

"Mr. Harris? What are you doing in here? Then I remembered what happened last night and tears began to pour down my face.

"Hannah!" He asked more alarmed. He grabbed me and pulled me into his lap as I cried.

"Shhh" he whispered softly, rocking me gently

I stayed in her arms crying for about 10 minutes.

He snuggled into his chest more and her held me tightly. I sniffled and looked up "Thank you"

I looked into his eyes and it was like I could see into his soul, he had the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. I don't know what was happening but I suddenly felt something strange happening, I didn't want to ever let him go. I looked in his eyes and knew he felt the same way.

'You have found him' Carmisa thought to me


'He is your mate'

'Are you serious?'


Mr. Harris POV

I held her in my arms and she cried. I felt my heart breaking, whoever hurt her like this would pay. I felt some sort of duty to protect her from all the evil in the world. She sniffled and looked up at me, her beauty surprises me everytime. We make eye contact and I feel like I can see into her soul, her beautiful soul. Some emotion I have never felt before made it way to my heart, it felt good. Her hazel/green eyes reflected the same emotions that I felt, I never wanted to let her out of my arms.

'Finally' Alazar said


"You have found her'

'What do you mean'

'She is your mate, the other part to your soul'

I stared at her as her eyes widened, did she know?

"Your my mate" We both said simultaneosly

Hannah's POV

I was so happy that I had finnaly found my mate. He would love me and protect me and we would be together forever. I felt amazing, it was a little weird since he was my teacher and all but I didn't care.

He removed me from his arms and began to walk out of the room. I got up and followe him to the living room, he sat on the counch and I went to touch his arm but he flinched away. Hurt overode all my early joy.. was he upset with me? Was I not good enough to be his mate? All my insecurites rushed through my head. I ran to the bathroom, tears streaming down my face. Ten seconds passed and then I heard a knock on the door "Hannah" I didn't respond.

"I'm really sorry Hannah, I didn't mean to make you cry. Its just a little overwhelming to know my student is my mate." He whispered. "Please open the door"

"Hann--" I opened the door before he could finish. I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Hannah" I looked down at the carpet "Hannah, please look at me"

I shook my head no

He placed his finger under my chin lifted my head so I could look him in the eye "Hannah, you have to understand that this is all a little overwhelming for me right now"

My Mate Is My English Teacher?!?!? (Watty Awards)Where stories live. Discover now