Chapter 8- How small can this world be?

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 [On the side, is a song that kinda explains Clara. This Is What It Feels Like by Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie. ;) Try listening at the same time read the story.=D ]

Chapter 8


“Football is starting! Dude, come on.”

“You retard, I just want to watch violence!”

I sighed. There are two boys in my house and both of them are acting like a 10 year old kid. I’m so tired of this. So I sat on the other couch, the one at the side of the television and tried to find where they hid the remote. Yes, one of them hid the remote so the other one can’t watch the TV. Childish much?

Found it! It was just at the back of the cushion. What a really great hiding place. Mark was watching violence, as you can guess. And I for one am in no mood for violence. As I got the remote in my hands, I AM THE KING OF THE WORLD.

Mark was watching with full concentration, I’m just going to wait when it comes to the scene when the violence kicks in. That would be a cliff hanger to Mark! Ahahah I’m so mean at times. Well, who am I kidding? I’m mean all the time.

“Hit him right in the crotch!”

I changed the channel and I swear I just saw Mark glare at me. I showed him the smile that never failed to make him get annoyed. My evil smile. You know the smile when you have something evil in plan or you did something evil? Yeah that smile was the one on my face. “Suck the cushions, fucktards.”

Mark just laughed. I tuned in to the Natural Geographic and yup lets learn about animals! Umm no. “I’m not surprised. This channel was coming from a girl who talked to her locker.” Chris smirked right after he said that.

Should I melt into a puddle? No.

And what I replied back to him was nothing. My actions showed it all. I took the remote and went upstairs to my bedroom, ignoring their objections.

“You don’t dare.”

“No! I don’t want to watch this.”

“I’m so gonna get you”

The last one was from Mark. I should really run by now because Mark’s kind of fast if he’s chasing what he wanted. But I made no attempt to run and Mark caught me by the shoulders, stopping me. He carried me ‘bridal style’ and plop me down on the same couch. I sighed. There is no way I’m watching the TV with this two idiots in my house.

I got up as they continued arguing. Urgh, why are they even in my house?

I went upstairs and took my phone. With just sweatpants and a long-sleeve shirt, I went out of the house, trying to get some air.

“Hey! The fuck you’re going for!” Mark yelled. Oh, he realised. I went back inside and just sighed. “I’m going to Starbucks for some coffee. I’m not staying with you idiots in here.”

Mark just scoffed and continued watching the match. Yeah, they were watching football.


Ordering a Mocha Frappuccino, I paid for the coffee and went to sit on one of the seats. The seat was right beside a window. I love watching what people do on the streets. A girl was crying, leaning against the wall, her knees hugged around her arms. She looked up and woahh! That was the friend of the girl that bumped into me, and what I realise was, she was also the one that I bumped into during high school. Wow. How small can this world be?

I got up, with earphones in my ears; I walked to the other side of the street. I don’t know why I decided to greet her but you cannot blame me. I love doing weird stuffs.

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