🛑 Updated Disclaimer: 2020 🛑

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This story is going to have a title change. This was, as of right now, previously called Phone Sex, written by @beautommo. I started writing this book in 2014, which was obviously six years ago now. The new title is much more my style, but it will still be based on and contain a large amount of phone sexing activities. We love that nitty gritty feeling.

Chapter One will officially be updated and posted before, or on, Saturday, April the 11th.

Now, I would like to formally, and excitedly, introduce you to the new and renovated version of P.S. (cue the drum roll):

Not in That Way 
by @beautommo

Additional Fun Stuff:
This story is rated [M] for mature audiences and themes. It is currently being rewritten as of April, 2020. Chapters that HAVE been rewritten will have an asterisk mark, i.e: the star, aka this: *, behind the title.

PLEASE, absolutely do not continue to read this story if the chapter title isn't only a number or doesn't have an asterisk mark beside it!


This story is about two people who have known each other since they were younger, and are trying to overcome obstacles that have been thrown their way. One of them claims to hate the other, but the other one is in love. Or are they?

Just your typical cliché, overdone college romance, but with a few twists thrown in there.


WARNINGS: Mature means that this story contains a plethora of curse words, possible underage drinking and recreational drug usage in a few flashbacks, mentions of anxiety and depression, a few types of abuse (not sexual), and perhaps a threesome (m/m/f) thrown in at some point.


I do not know or own (yes: own) any One Direction member, and am in no way affiliated with them. However with that being said, this is not an Alternate Universe story. One Direction does/did exist, and the boys are, in fact, famous.

Please, do not copy, steal, or translate (ask first) my story. At all. I will not hesitate to report whomever you may be to the Wattpad community. I don't give a shit if you're the president, a 1D member yourself, or even the long lost queen of Atlantis. ♥️

- social media -
T U M B L R: ghostomlinson

**Update: my only twitter account is a fl account. Depending the outcome of this story, I might make a new one for my fan account/writing account. 

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