Christina's Last Flight

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As Erza and Jellal kept talking I made my original rifle reappear. "So I understand that you lost your memories. But how did you get here? And why did you unseal Nirvana?" I turned around along with Erza and saw Cobra with a disgusted look written on his face. "I heard a voice in my head telling me where to go and how to activate it." Jellal said as I aimed my gun at the snake. "So you activated it so you could use it yourself?" I asked as I took one eye off Cobra and put it on Jellal. He looked perplexed like he was trying to think about his answer. "I activated it so I could destroy it." He said as a strange circle appeared on Nirvana.

Cobra ran over to the circle and tried to deactivate it. I just don't know how to feel knowing we're about to win this fight. I looked over at Jellal as he coughed up blood. "The God damned idiot is using a self-destruction spell!" Cobra yelled as he glared at the three of us. Erza and I both ran over to Jellal as he coughed up more blood. "Nathan save him. And you, you can't die yet. You still crimes you have to answer for!" She yelled as I just looked at Jellal as he slowly died. "What's going on here?" I looked up and saw Brain walking towards us as he looked at Nirvana. "Jellal put a bomb on Nirvana and he's planning on destroying it!" Cobra yelled as Brain looked at Jellal then smiled.

"Don't worry Cobra. I can deactivate this with little trouble." Brain said as he swiped his hand across the circle. Shortly after the circle was gone and Nirvana looked like it was powering up. "I won't let you activate this weapon!" Erza yelled as she pulled a sword on Brain and I opened fire only to hit a wall as the ground started to explode. "Oh for the love of God!" I yelled as Nirvana was activated. "This is some backyard bullshit!" I yelled getting rolled across the ground as legs came up from the ground and a bolder hit me in the head. The next thing I remember is hearing a roar like a beast from a long forgotten age. "Can anyone hear me?" I looked around after hearing Hibiki only to see Nirvana a good distance from me. "Yeah I hear you but everyone else are on that moving monstrosity." I said as Hibiki said he was glad to hear from someone else.

Hibiki put a map in my head and I started to head back about seven miles. "You know by the time I reach you Nirvana will be further away and we won't catch up right?" I asked as I hit four and a half miles and saw Nirvana moving at a slow pace. "Yes, but we have a plan for that." He said as I saw a large ice wall on my left. I just kept walking thinking about this plan. "That better be worth these last few miles!" I yelled as I climbed over a chunk of ice. Once I got the location I saw Leon using his magic to make iced wings on the wreckage of Christina. "Good you made it back. Now we just have to get the engine started again." Hibiki said as he walked onto the deck of the ship as I looked at the others getting on board.

After I was up I walked to the engine room and saw holes from the missile. "Give me bout' ten minutes to get this hole patched enough to get the engine running." I said as I grabbed a blow torch and some sheets of metal. "Are you sure this is going to work?" I turned around and saw Leon and Sherry looking down at me as I put the torch down and grabbed another sheet of metal. "I'm not sure. The missile did a number on the outside and tore a few holes in the engine plus the impact with the ground didn't help." I said as I finished the patch then stood over a hole in the floor. "You two get out of here, Hibiki try the engine." I said pushing the two towards the door while I kept an eye on the engine. "Everyone hold on." Hibiki said as the engine shuttered and spit smoke from smaller holes and a few places on my patch job.

I watched as the engine shook and saw the ground move away from us. "Well were airborne we should be able to catch up with Nirvana now." Hibiki said as the engine coughed and almost shut down. "Alright Leon. Sherry both of you head up and see if you can take some of the strain off the engine." I told them as I made sure the engine didn't blow up. After a while of nothing happening, I ran off to see what weapons we had. I ran around and found Eve struggling with a bomb. "Is that the last bomb?" I asked looking around while tipping over a few crates. "Yes, but it was damaged so I'm going to try and put some of my magic into it." Eve said as he started putting magic into the bomb. "After your done let me have a look at it. I may be able to add some more explosives to it." I said as the bomb glowed a shade of green and yellow.

After Eve was done I set to work slowly opening the top of the bomb, when I looked inside it the explosives were glowing. "Quick question? How does this bomb explode?" I asked as I slowly set the top down and looked at Eve. "We set it in a tube then the magic gets blasted out of the main gun. So it should be safe for you to do whatever you're doing." Eve said as he breathed heavy from I'm assuming using what little magic he had left. "Well then if it just shoots the ordinance then adding some thermite to it should help." I said taking apart a few grenades and adding them to the mix. "Now let's get this to the gun. Very carefully." Eve said but then the ship shook and I added the carefully part as I took one side while he took the other. After we set up the cannon Hibiki said we were catching up to Nirvana so we ran up to the control room.

After Eve and I both got up he went to the controls for the weapon and I pulled out my binoculars and saw Nirvana powering up and I saw the Cait Shelter Guild. "Nirvana is aimed at Cait Shelter and it looks like it's about to fire!" I yelled as Hibiki sped us up. "If we can take out one of its legs maybe it will stop." Eve said as we gained altitude. "This is probably going to tear the ship apart." I said as I walked over to the window next to Hibiki as he steered us into position.

He didn't answer as Eve sent the ordinance down and hit Nirvana's leg just as it fired and just barely missed Cait Shelter. "Can anyone hear me? If you can please respond." Hibiki said as used his telepathy. We waited a few minutes before we received a response. "Hibiki? Who else is with you?" I heard Erza on the other end as we started to descend slowly. "Eve, Ren, Sherry, Leon, and Nathan. We managed to save one of the bombs but I guess it didn't destroy the leg." Hibiki said as I looked out the main window and saw the others losing magic. "That's it though we're all just about out of magic." Hibiki said as Eve fell over, then I looked out the window and saw Ren holding Sherry then I saw the ground getting closer. When we first started to go down I thought it was just Hibiki doing it but now I know we're going to crash.

"Listen if you guys can take out all of the legs at the same time that should stop Nirvana." Hibiki said as he started to lose his connection with everyone. "I'll take it from here just do me a favor and connect me with Erza for a few seconds." I said taking the helm as he nodded his head and set up the connection. "Erza it's Nathan. Hibiki set up a connection just between us." I said as I watched Hibiki take Eve out towards the other three. "What happened to you after Nirvana activated?" She asked as I told her about being thrown and then knocked out. "Once we're done with this mission I was thinking maybe we tell a few people about us." I said as the ship got closer and closer to Nirvana. "Maybe just our team." Erza said as the connection was getting choppy. "That's fine with me. See you in a few, love you." I said as the connection died.

'Come on guys hurry and get off!' I thought as I saw Leon getting everyone close to the edge of the ship. "We're still to high up! Cant, you get us closer to the ground?" Ren said as he carried Sherry towards Leon. "Theirs a river below. Besides with you and Leon's magic you should be able to get into it just fine." I said as I ran out of the main cabin towards them. I then walked to the front of the ship as they all got ready to jump. "You're not coming with us?" Eve asked weakly as I looked at Nirvana. "Nah. I have a few pounds of explosives just for one of those legs." I said as I watched the lot jump to maybe safety. 'This is going to be very interesting.' I thought as I ducked behind cover as the ship made contact with Nirvana.

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