I'm Sorry

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After Natsu opened his mouth the dragon he was on started to send out what looked like eggs. A few came crashing close to us and as soon as they hit the ground dragon hatchlings came out. Arcadios moved to protect the princess while the remaining knights gathered in some kind of formation to defend her while I moved closer to my friends. "Who should I eat first?" The dragon in-front of us questioned as it looked around at us. "Bah, I'll just eat you all together!" He yelled as he breathed out a greenish flame towards us and the knights.

Mira pushed Wendy underneath the flame as I pushed Lucy and Yukino down, just before the flame hit I tried to hit the ground myself but my arm that got hit with the arrow was still in the air. We heard the screams of the knights. "This is terrible." Happy said as I brought my arm down. 'I must be going into shock if I can't feel this.' I thought as I looked to see what the damage was, I didn't see anything, in fact, I was just missing my sleeve. "Humans taste good... But clothes don't. That's why I erased them." The dragon said as I covered Wendy's eyes as the now naked knights ran off. "This is the first I've seen something so pitiful..." Mira said as she looked away.

"Now that I think about it men don't taste so good." He said as he went back to thinking and then smiled as he looked down towards us. "I'll devour the women." He said as Lucy let out a quiet squeak as Wendy asked if he used magic. He replied by shooting a small puff of fire towards Lucy. "My magic is made to steal humans dignity." He smiled as Lucy started freaking out. He started to reach for Lucy till I pointed my rifle at his face and opened fire. "That tickled. Say human if you wanted to go first all you had to do was ask." He said as he grabbed one of my arms and lifted me towards his mouth. As I got closer to his mouth I pulled my pistol out and shot at his eye.

He threw me and I landed somewhere in the city. As soon as my ears stopped ringing I heard people yelling and roars coming from every direction. "Alright time to move... FUCK!" I yelled as I tried to stand up but felt pain in my lower back area. As soon as I got up and moving it hurt but in the relative sense, we all had bigger issues than possible broken bones.

I heard snorting and screeching noises as I leaned on a collapsed wall. "Somethings got them excited." I said quietly as I made my way towards the noise, I also heard something that sounded like a person hitting the ground. So I followed the noise.

The screeching got louder and sounded like the hatchlings were getting excited as I turned a corner and saw roughly twenty of them surrounding a person but then I felt my blood chill when I saw the head of red hair. I didn't have time to react as some dark magic appeared above Erza and blew most of the hatchlings away. "Need a hand?" I heard Jellal as one of the last hatchlings ran towards him and Erza. I put four bullets into its chest and three into its face. "I think you missed one." I said as I limped over to them. "I guess. What happened to you?" Jellal asked as I sat or as best as I could sit next to Erza. "Dragons man... They suck." I said as an explosion went off in the distance.

"Jellal!" We turned to see Millianna standing in the road as she got angry as soon as Jellal said her name. "Wait Millianna." Erza said as she tried to get up and stop her as she moved towards us. "It's okay Erza." He said as he got up as Erza helped me back to my feet. She ran towards Jellal with her claws out and I stepped in her way as one of her clawed hands sank into my already injured arm. She jumped back and looked at the three of us with anger. "Why are you defending him? He held us captive in that tower... He killed Simon... He tortured Erza?! I can't forgive him! I won't! I'm going to kill Jellal!!" She yelled as I looked at Jellal and saw remorse on his face.

"Even if you do that, it won't change anything!" Erza yelled as Millianna tried to get at him again and I grabbed her and threw her back. "You won't get anything out of killing people for revenge." I said as she hissed at me. "That's why you're telling me to let it go?! Bullshit!" She yelled at us, we saw Ultear walking up behind her. "That's wrong. To begin with, your hatred towards Jellal is misplaced." She said as she stopped next to Millianna. As she looked at Ultear I started to fall over so Jellal helped me stand up.

"Besides I'm the one who controlled Jellal from the shadows." Ultear said as Jellal told her to stop talking. Two of us were surprised by this revelation but Millianna just looked the same... exceedingly pissed. We stood around and listened to Ultear go on about how she was rotten to the core. "What happened?" Jellal asked as Ultear walked past us and looked like she was just going to keep on walking. "Nothing really... More importantly, we don't have time to be loitering around like this. There are still the smaller dragons wandering around here." She said as she stopped just past us and looked back at Millianna and told her it was also her fault the tower was built and that she would take any hatred she had just before she walked off into more destruction.

"God this is all kinds of fucked up." I said as I stood next to Erza and we used each other as support. "Yeah, she was also just a victim of circumstances." Erza said and I watched Millianna anger deflate "I... Wha... what's..." She said as she had an inward struggle with herself. "What's wrong... with this twisted world." Jellal said as he looked into the sky. "We have to continue to endure and persevere in this world." Erza said as we then started to move again.

The four of us kept walking and ran into a few civilians that got left here

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The four of us kept walking and ran into a few civilians that got left here. "Nathan, can you take them out of here?" Erza asked as I made an LMTV appear. "You guys get in too. Once we get them all caught up then we can go and get to one of the dragons and help defeat it." I said as Millianna helped people get into the back as I went to the front and turned the engine on. "You got the room for one more?" Just before I got in I saw Smith holding a kid as he walked out of a building.

I helped him get the kid in and we both stood at the back of the truck. "I thought you said the next time you saw me you were going to punch me." I said as Smith closed the back of the truck and stowed the ladder. "I would but you look like you've already had a bad day." He said with a laugh. Before I could respond a few of the dragon hatchlings came out of the buildings around us. "Smith get into the truck and get ready to move." I said as the dragons looked at us slowly move to the driver's side.

He got in and I saw Erza looking out of the windows. "Get in and let's go!" She yelled at me as I looked at her then at Smith as I jumped down to the ground. "Unless I screw this up I'm going to marry you. Now get them out of here Smith!" I yelled as I hit the side of the truck and it started to move forward. "Then you better not screw this up!" Erza yelled out the window as I can only guess she tried to get out but Jellal or Smith stopped her.

 "Then you better not screw this up!" Erza yelled out the window as I can only guess she tried to get out but Jellal or Smith stopped her

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"Well, let's see if I can use stuff from movies." I said to the dragons around me as I thought of the suits from the James Cameron movie Avatar. It appeared as one of the dragons ran towards me but it ran into the things legs. I didn't get a chance to use it as one of the dragons blasted my arm off. "Well, that ain't good." I said as I fell backward into the leg of the suit and saw the LMTV about a mile down the road. "I'm sorry Erza." I said as I made a Desert Eagle appear in my hand and shot at the dragons as they all powered up and shot at me as I fired the last bullet.

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