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When I said that I would go in alone everyone at the table looked at me like I was nuts. "You could always ask Gajeel." Lucy suggested as I thought he would make a decent partner if it was a fight. "Cant. I'll be helping the shrimp." Gajeel said as he walked past us with Levy over his shoulder while she was kicking and screaming for him to put her down. "Well, you don't see that every day." We all turned our heads to see Loke standing next to Gray. "Well I don't know about you guys but we're going to go train!" Natsu yelled as he ran off with happy close behind.

As everyone was leaving I went home and started to get everything I might need for the exams. I made a paper copy of the basic essentials. "Food, Canteens, ammo, grenades, extra magazines, and change of clothes, now weapons. Definitely the M4 and 1911 but which sniper rifle should I bring?" I said as I went down to the bunker/armory to get some of the gear packed up for the trip.

After getting my stuff packed I sat in front of the gun wall looking at my rifles. "The M21 is semi-auto which is good when engaging multiple enemies but the M24 is a bit more accurate. But then theirs the 50. cal which just blows both out of the water...... wait I'm assuming I won't be using magic to just make them appear. I'll bring the M24 to start but if I need to I can switch them out later." I said as I grabbed the sniper rifle and a few rounds of ammunition to see if I need to do anything to the rifle's scope.

"Nathan I'm home!" I heard Erza as I put a bullet in the chamber. "I'm on outback on the roof!" I yelled back as I looked down the sight at my target sitting in the woods about 600 meters out. "What are you doing on the roof?" She asked me as she stood below me on the back porch. "I'm getting my gear set up for the exams, now you may want to put on some hearing protection." I said as I flipped from safe to fire.

I shot three times, then set the rifle down to examine my shots, as I was climbing down from the roof I saw Erza sitting on the porch looking down range at the target. "So who are you taking with you on the exams?" She asked as we both went towards the target. "I'm just going to go solo, looks like I won't be needing to adjust the scope." I said as we both came close to the target and I could put a quarter on the bullet holes if I really wanted to. "You can't use real bullets! You'll hurt/kill our friends!" She yelled at me while we walked back to the house.

"I wouldn't use real bullets against them. I have rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, tranquilizer rounds and taser rounds. The only time I use lethal rounds is when we're going after monsters or Dark Guilds." I said as I went back up to the roof and grabbed my rifle.

Erza and I both spent the week getting ready for the trials. She went with the other S-class mages while I worked on pain tolerance and endurance. "Nathan what are you doing?" I stopped running when I saw Lucy and Cana walking towards Lucy's house one morning. "Just some running." I said as I set down the bag I was carrying and pulled out one of the canteens. "Well at least your not going crazy like Natsu is." Lucy said as they both tightened their scarves around their faces as a breeze blew snow past us. "What did he do this-" I didn't finish my sentence when I saw Natsu flying through the air.

I followed his path and found him hanging upside down in a tree. "What happened to you?" I asked as I set my bag down again so I could help him out. "Training duh. Happy hit me with a tree. What are you doing out here?" He said as he jumped down from the tree, I gave him a canteen as we both sat under the tree. "Training. Got about Eighty pounds worth of gear in the bag, next up is pain tolerance." I said as he gave me the canteen and got up throwing punches at the air. "I can't wait to be S-class!" He yelled as he ran off to go back to his training.

After getting back home I set up a turret with a controller. 'This is going to suck.' I thought as the turret turned on and fired rubber and beanbag rounds at me. "Gah! Fuck!" I yelled as one of the rounds hit me in the stomach as I turned it off. Then I went to the garage and practiced hand to hand on a stack of tires. "Jeez, Nathan you look awful." Erza told me as I walked into the house. "Well, I was working on my pain tolerance and let just say doing it that way very bad idea." I said as I went to shower.

Once I got out I went to our room and saw her laying down. "Please be careful during the trials." She said as I looked down at her face. "I will be and maybe I'll be S-class by the end of all this." I said as she scooted closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Just don't get too hurt." She said as she fell asleep and I chuckled at her. "I'll try my best." I said kissing the top of her head before going to sleep.

We now had about two days before we had to meet in Hargeon so I spent my last couple days relaxing and squaring away some other things. "I'll see you on the island safe travels." Erza said before she got on her train and left the day before the rest of us. "Yeah, hopefully we don't have to fight during the trials." I said loud enough for her to hear me.

The next day I got up early to make the trip to Hargeon. "Better head out. Weapon make: Stryker." The vehicle appeared and I started to load up for the trip.

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