The Beginning

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"So, you still haven't overcome your love for the alcohol?" an old physician sighed as he removed the stethoscope.

Two old men could be seen in the somber and dusty studio.

In the corner of this room, there was an expensive bed, a man that was going under a medical examination and a physician conducting it. There was also what appeared to be a servant watching the scene.

"The bottle is my friend" the patient groaned. "It is no less of a friend than you, and it has stood by my side longer than you have" he said unapologetically while rearranging his clothes.

"Tenri-san, your body appears to be well thanks to the medicine" the doctor said concerned. "If you continue drinking like that, the treatment will be meaningless. Please, refrain from drinking".

"Thank you, my friend. Shigure... another glass" the man raised his empty glass. "Water it down slightly, that way Goshi won't scold me".

"Are you sure, master?" the young servant asked.

The old family doctor, Goshi, let out a deep sigh as he watched his friend waiting for another glass of wine.

There was a smell filling up the room.

The sweet, poisonous aroma felt as it melted the heart. It was the drink that the man couldn't bring himself to part from.

But it wasn't just alcohol, it has something else.

"Goshi, you are a close friend, we have known each other for quite a long time" the grumpy man said quite calmly. "I'm very grateful for all that you have done to keep me alive".

"I haven't done anything. Anyway you never listen to what I say".

"Master..." the servant handed the glass to the master.

"Thank you" he said while taking the glass. "I wouldn't die if I ran out if your medicine, but I would if I ran out of this".

Than liquid... had something dangerous.

"Be honest with me, Goshi" the old man said as he took a sip of his beverage. "How much time do I have left?".

"Not much..." the doctor said as he lowered his gaze. "If you were a normal patient, I would recommend that you write a will at this point".

"And what is a will, Goshi? Instructions to the vultures of how to devour my corpse?" the man said sarcastically.

"It's more than for dividing your inheritance. You can write down your regrets and matters that you left unfinished" his friend explained. "Things that you want to tell and things that you want to be passed down".

"Ridiculous. I Hiragi Tenri, have nothing I want to tell or leave behind!" the other man said coldly. "I born with nothing and I will die with nothing. There's nothing I wish to leave to my foolish children".

The man walked towards the other corner of his study.

"I created my fortune! My prestige! Everything!" he said with rage. "After I'm gone, there won't be anything left! I desire no tomb, no coffin! Those were the terms of the contract I made with the sorcerer...".

After reaching a furious crescendo, Tenri suddenly slumped over. His expression was dark, just as if some evil spirit had possessed him.

"However... I do have one regret" he said, now calmly. "There is something I cannot leave undone".

"I'll be okay to write it down. It would be the best of you finish it before your time comes" his friend explained. "You must leave behind your regrets so that they can be resolved even if you are not here anymore":

When Goshi tried to gently par Tenri's shoulder, the man flew into a sudden rage again and batted away his hand.

"It's useless, useless, useless! It must be done while I'm still alive" he said furiously. "At the moment of my dead, my soul will be devoured by the demons of the contract and wiped out of existence! For me, there won't be any peace or another world".

The man approached the big window that was inside the room.

"I'd want to see it. I wat to see it one more time!" he said with despair. "I want to see Mikaela one last time!"

"I'll return everything you have given me! I'm prepared to lose everything" the man said determined. "Mikaela, I beg you! You must be able to hear my plea... I beg you, show yourself to me!"

The man calmed down.

"You are here, aren't you? listening to every word I say" he said serenely. "Please, appear once more. Feel free to scold me and even snatch away my life with your own hands if you wish!".

Tenri look at the sky as if waiting for a signal.

"I don't want to die alone like this. I can't die until I see you once more!" the man pleaded. "Mikaela! I offer up this life of mine! I'm begging you".

The man let out a long cry.



A/N: Just to clear things up in case you are confused, the Goshi that Tenri is speaking to during this chapter, it's Goshi Norito's grandfather.

Hope you enjoy this part and please look forward to future chapters :)

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