Greece's Pieces / The Ex-Files / Picnic at Hanging Rock

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Greece's Pieces

Gwen's POV
Today was stressful cause no one could find out what happened with me and Duncan. I knew it was going bite back in the butt later on, but it's a good thing it wasn't today. No one got eliminated this round, because there was tie in the challenge.

Duncan's POV
Both teams were in the losers bunker cause of the tie. The whole day I could see Dallas trying to flirt with Gwen and Gwen would respond.

We were all walking back to the
"What happened while I was gone geez." I asked
"What do you mean a lot of stuff happened. Bridgette "cheated" on Geoff, Izzy got sent home, DJ got cursed, L-"
"No I mean with my brother and Gwen?" I asked cutting off Owen

"Oh well he started talking and look at him now." Noah said
I looked at him and Gwen with laughing with him along with Sierra and Cody.

"Why is she growing out her hair?" I asked
"Oh well that's a question for Dallas." Alejandro said

He looked over. Courtney walked in from the call to a loved one. She was the last one to go. She sat down next to Gwen.
"I thought Courtney and Gwen hated each other?" I asked
"You shouldn't have left the show Duncan, so much happened." Courtney said
I rolled my eyes.


The Ex-Files

Camera View


"There's been a huge out break of an argument going on the loser department. Let's go." Chris says

The camera reappears and shows Courtney about to cry and Duncan holding a bag of ic to his face.
"Why would randomly want to break up after all we've been through?" Courtney asks
"Because I do and your whining isn't gonna make me want to take you back. You're just making worse for yourself." Duncan says


She was sitting there crying.
"How could he want to break up with out of no where?"


Is seen laughing.
"These days just keep getting better and better."


"Wow Duncan you can't just break up with some out of the blue."


"I hope I have nothing to do with that."


He's seen shaking his head


"I don't why she took it so hard."


The whole plane shakes.
"What's that?" Noah asks
"We've been hit." Chris says

"Hold on to something causes we're going down!" Chef yells

Everyone grabs something as the plane goes down. Once the plane lands on the ground Chris is on the phone with someone.

(The same things happen till the end... Dallas witnesses Gwen and Duncan kiss also Owen is sent home)

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Dallas's POV
I witnessed why Duncan broke up with Courtney. He wanted a relationship with Gwen. I looked over at him and he was all happy and craving into the seat. I crossed my arms. Noah looked at me.

Duncan's Older BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now