Chapter 3:An Unexpecting Encounter

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Timeskip(7:30 pm)~

While I was heading to the park,I saw Kaida and Ibuki in the distance.

Leon Kuwata:"Yo Kaida and Ibuki!"

After I said that,the girls turned around.

Kaida Sasaki:"Yo Leon!"

As I was walking towards them,I was still wondering about the beast that Mondo warned me about.I mean,I did my research and all,but there wasn't any pictures or enough info for me determine it's location or whenever it shows up.So for now,I'll just hope that we don't run into the beast.....

Ibuki Mioda:"Welp,now that everyone is here,let's get going shall we?"

Leon Kuwata:*A bit nervous*"Um...y-yeah...let's get going...."

Wait a second...why am I nervous?Why did my tone changed so fast?Is it because I'm....scared???

Timeskip to the Park~

Once we had arrived to the park,Kaida spoken.

Kaida Sasaki:" that we're here...wanna do something?"

Ibuki Mioda:*Excited*"Ooo what about hide and seek??Can we play that for a bit??"

Kaida Sasaki:"But we're teenagers though.Not little kids.-_-"

Ibuki Mioda:"Ibuki knows,but we'll only play for 3 rounds."

Kaida Sasaki:"Well....I guess we could play that...."

Ibuki Mioda:"Alright,let's get started!"

Leon Kuwata:*Nervous*"O-Ok then..."

Ok,Leon,quit worrying about that stupid creature!This is the time to have some fun,not freaking about some beast or something.....but then again...what if...nah,that will not happen....right??

Mini Timeskip~

While I was hiding,I took out my phone and began to look up about the beast again.Next,I saw some news that was from a month ago saying that a teen had experience a werewolf attack at a park in Tokyo...wait...a they mean....THIS park?!Or...a different one?Well,either ways,I HAVE to tell the girls that....Ibuki screaming?!

Ibuki Mioda:*Screaming*"AHHHH"

Without a moment passing,I came out of my hiding spot and began running towards Ibuki's voice.Which Kaida did the same thing as well.Once we arrive to where Ibuki was located.....time had soon as I saw a dead body....of a Hope's Peak Student....

Kaida Sasaki:"OH MY GOD!!"

While the girls were freaking out,I only stood there in fear while I notice that some of the body had some bite marks.Which that reminds me....could this-wait......what's that strange sound?Could can't be right?It can't be.....huh.....there's....that sound again.........we need to leave...NOW....

Leon Kuwata:"Girls,we need to get out of here..."

As soon as I said that,I grabbed their hands and began dragging them away.Until they let go of me.

Kaida Sasaki:"Hey what has gotten into you?You haven't been acting like yourself ever since we started hanging out.Whats up with that?"

Leon Kuwata:"That's not important!The important thing right now is to get out of here!"

Ibuki Mioda:"Not until you tell us what's going on."

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